Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Divorce and Health Insurance Benefits

Divorce causes major issues with health insurance benefits. Many families have employer provided and/or paid for health insurance benefits that cover the entire family. It is not uncommon to see situations where the other spouse is a stay at home parent, with absolutely no access to health insurance benefits, or employed at a job with either no health insurance benefits available or those benefits available at a substantial cost. After a divorce, the spouse with the family health insurance coverage can no longer cover the other parent. They are no longer "family" members who can take advantage of one health insurance policy. How to then ensure that everyone stays insured does become an issue for negotiation and/or divorce litigation.

If both parties do not have health insurance benefits available and if the cost of obtaining those health insurance benefits for the other party after a divorce become prohibitive, there is one way to continue benefits without additional cost. That way is to enter into a separation agreement, but delay the divorce. That way, the parties actually do remain married and they can stay on the same health insurance plan even thought they are separed. The parties can consent to waiting for one, two or more years before either one files for a divorce. While the parties will remain married, their property, custody, and support issues will be addressed in their separation agreement. Under some circumstances, this is an optimal resolution. For example, what if both parties want one spouse to remain at home for several more years with young children, but they do still want to separate and divorce? This option works for them. They can separate, agree upon getting a divorce and all of the terms that they have to agree upon, but delay the final divorce so that they can keep cost effective health insurance benefits in place.

The above example can provide some difficulties that must be discusse in detail with your divorce attorney. For example, if you separate but do not divorce, your federal tax filing status may be affected. Also, in some states, it is not as easy as in other states to enforce a separation agreement. Or, in yet other states, it is possible for one spouse to take the advantages provided by the agreement for a year or two and then go to court and seek entirley different forms of financial relief in a divorce action. Only a divorce attorney licensed to practice in your state can advise you on these issues.

Another option for couples divorce is COBRA coverage. COBRA is a federal law which mandates that a person covered under a health insurance policy be given the right to continue that coverage, at their own cost, for a set time period if certain requirements exist. For example, if you obtain a divorce and your spouse had family health insurance coverage through his employer, the employer would have to provide COBRA coverage for you after the divorce. That COBRA coverage would require that you have the same health insurance policy, although your coverage would now be individual and not family. You would have to pay the employer's cost for that individual policy.

It is not uncommon for a stay at home spouse or a spouse who has less income or employment options to obtain COBRA coverage and to negotiate that their spouse pay for that coverage for a specified time period after the divorce. In doing so, this gives the spouse who did not have coverage available some time to either obtain employment with coverage or become financially settled and able to afford their own coverage.

Learn where to get authoritative information on how to win child custody court cases.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Unique Baby Gifts - It's All the Rage

If you put your mind to it, you can easily come up with some pretty unique baby gifts for this up and coming holiday season. If your not quite sure what to give as a gift for someone special and you want it to be unique and unusual, I'll provide you with some ideas to some of the very special baby gifts that are given from time to time.

A unique baby gift would be something that you could personalize to make it something very special for that sweet little newborn. The parent who will most likely receive the personalized item, will be able to cherish it always. Here are infant items that I have noticed lately that is all the rage. There are personalized items such as storybooks that tell about themselves throughout the book, a blanket, infant newspaper photo, baby license to show off to your friends, hand print set, and personalized candy bar wrappers to give as a special gift, just to name a few.

Other than personalizing, there are many other unique gifts such as; a first baby gift basket, a diaper cake, designer bag gift set, watch me grow blanket and pillow set, anything for grandma items and many more to purchase or create and come up with on your own. If you research it enough, you can easily create most of these newborn items by reading and how to videos from the internet. Many unique items can be created using special templates or special software you can purchase. Just being a little bit creative and using your imagination, you can come up with something very new and different that no one else has done and be the talk of the town.

For more great ideas on how to create personalized unique baby gifts and more go to

For the best unique baby gifts, visit Simply Unique Baby Gifts where you will find a large selection of baby gift baskets free shipping for boy, girls, unisex and twins.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Baby Shower Gift Baskets: Gifts For The Perfect Shower

A baby shower is a very special time and it is important to choose the right gift. You've circled the date on your calendar. You know that it's approaching. All of your other friends have purchased their presents weeks in advanced, but you, the only single left in the bunch, still can't decide on what present to bring to your friend's baby shower.

Let's face it, you know nothing about babies. Your presence make babies cry! You can't tell a blanket from a diaper! This is your first time ever to attend one of these so called events. You know you suck at this, and everyone knows it too, but still you have to go, It's a test of friendship! So what do you do?

Well, for starters you wipe that frown off of your face, and you put on your "I'm happy to be an auntie smile!'. Then, you go to a shopping mall, and you grab yourself a baby shower gift basket!

Gift baskets contain everything from soft toys, hats, blankets, undergarments, changing pads, sleeping gowns, teething toy, bears, etc.

The great thing about gift baskets is that they are very useful. The people who put together baby shower gift baskets know what they are doing! The things that are included in a baby shower gift basket are exactly the things that a new mother, and an upcoming baby will need.

So you know you'd be getting your money's worth when you purchase a baby shower gift basket. More importantly, it will make the recipient happy. New mothers need all the help that they could get, especially once the have delivered their babies. The daily expenses of a family always escalates with the addition of a new member. So it is best to give presents that will help to provide for the needs of the new mother, and baby.

Baby shower gift baskets come in different themes. Some of these baskets concentrate on the baby's bath time needs. Items like: towels, washcloths, comb and brush sets; and of course, the quintessential giant rubber duckies are included.

This puts variety, and a fun twist on the baby shower gift basket idea! So you'd actually have quite a selection to choose from.

These baby shower gift baskets vary in prices, depending on the intricacy of the lay out, and items included in the basket. The average price for a baby shower gift basket is around $70.

These baskets are usually divided into girl themes, and boy themes. The girl- themed baskets usually come in pink, and contain items suitable for a baby girl. While the boy-themed gift baskets offer things that a baby boy will need.

These baby shower gift baskets can also be purchased online. So if you don't have any time to shop, you can just always order a gift basket online. The selection of these gift baskets are usually displayed online. Also, the items that are included inside is listed along side the picture of the gift basket.

They come in a nicely gift wrapped packaging that includes a ribbon and a card. This allows you to write a personal greeting, and a dedication to the mother. Don't forget to include well wishes for the baby!

If you've purchased your gift basket online, you can just type in your dedication on the net. This way, your dedication will be included in the gift basket that you've ordered. It will then be delivered to the specified recipient.

Baby shower gift baskets are a wonderful and thoughtful gift idea because they include a little bit of everything. They are also very meaningful because they provide things that will provide for the needs of a newborn baby.

So become a baby shower superstar, and bring a baby shower gift basket to the party. All your friends will be in awe of you!

Simply Unique Baby Gifts

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Marketing Strategies: 7 Tips To Becoming A Money Magnet

Did you know that most people block prosperity because of hidden beliefs about money? This article gives you seven tips to create yourself to be a “money magnet”.

Tip 1: Identify your Money Type

According to Deborah Price, author of Money Magic, we all identify with certain money archetypes. For example,when money issues come up, do you bury your head in the sand, like an ostrich? Then most likely your type is called The Innocent. If you’re not The Innocent, you might be The Victim, The Tyrant, The Warrior, The Martyr, The Fool or The Magician.

Tip 2: What was your conditioning about money?

What old beliefs did you receive from your parents, teachers and the society around you about money? Many of my clients report that their old beliefs include:

--“Earning money means punching a time clock”
--“Money is scarce”
--“Money is evil”

Which of these have you struggled with?

Tip 3: What are your updated beliefs about money?

Since nature abhors a vacuum, then after you release your old Beliefs about money, put in some empowered beliefs that cause you to become a money magnet. These beliefs might sound something like this:

--“I am increasingly magnetic to money”
--“My income always exceeds my expenses”
--“I am highly worth of being prosperous”

Tip 4: Create a New Money Type for Yourself

According to “Money Magic”, the ideal type to strive for is the “magician”. Why? Because the “magician” claims his/her own power and manifests his/her own financial reality.

Tip 5: Use the Law of Attraction

The Law of Attraction simply states that you get what you focus on. So if you focus on the lack of money, the difficulty of paying bills and the fears about whether you can support yourself, then You will receive more of that in return. The solution? Easy, everytime you find yourself focusing on what you don’t want, stop yourself and say, “So, what do I want?”

Tip 6: Tame your Inner Gremlin

Do you have a voice that berates you? Do you find that it’s impossible to please that voice? Then undoubtedly, you are dealing with your Inner Gremlin, also known as the Inner Critic.

It’s busy telling you that you aren’t worthy of having money.

“Who are you to be prosperous?” it will say. It will probably badger you until you turn this voice into an ally who will say, “You deserve an abundance of prosperity.”

Tip 7: Plan your work and work your plan

When you have finally let go of your old beliefs about money, you will find it much easier to create an effective business plan. More importantly, you’ll be much more able to implement that plan and manifest prosperity when you are a money magnet.

Read more content marketing tips to attract and keep customers in your B2B company.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Why Every Cycler Needs a Cycle Computer

Today cycle computers can do much more than just track the speed, distance and amount of time each ride takes. However there are certain other features than many of these devices now have included within them and we are going to be taking a look at just what some of these are.

Heart Monitor

This is ideal if you are someone who likes to know exactly what rate their heart is working at whilst they are out riding. No longer do you have to carry the additional weight of a heart rate monitor on your body instead you can let the computer do it for you. Those computers which come with a built in heart rate monitoring system then allows for additional space on your handlebars, and yet still provides the user with this essential information.

Gear Information

If you want to know exactly what gear you are in when out for a ride then choose one which comes with this feature as it will display through out the ride what gear you are in on the screen in front of you.


This feature enables the rider to see at what speed they are pedalling and by being able to see this a rider is then able to choose the right gear which will then prevent them from placing to much pressure on their muscles and joints. The easier a person finds it to pedal then the much longer they will be able to ride for. One cycle computer which features this is the Vetta V100 wireless cadence kit.

Split Screen

If you are someone who wants to spend less time whilst out riding having to press buttons in order to see certain statistics or features on your device then why not choose one which comes with a split screen. These particular models then allow you to see not just the speed at which you are traveling but also your cadence as well. There are even some models which include the option for being able to display 4 functions on the screen on your handlebars.


If you are someone who happens to live in an area which is full of various altitudes then purchase a cycle computer which includes this particular feature within the device. This will then allow you to track the altitude at which you are currently traveling and also help to show where you have gained or loss altitude throughout the ride.

Certainly if you are looking for a cycle computer which contains the above features along with such other ones as wireless, thermometer, freeze frame memory and dual bike memory then it may be worth investing in the Vetta V100 wireless cadence kit.

Wireless bicycle computer is the latest innovation in cycling. Make your cycling more efficient and entertaining by using world’s top brand of wireless cycle computer