Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Features Of The Xbox 360

Do you know what's special about the Xbox 360? Here are some of the features you can expect from Xbox 360:

Ring of Light and Xbox Guide Button. The ring of light is the power button and it is divided into four quadrants that can display a number of different colors depending on what is going on.

The Xbox Guide button is prominently featured on the controller as well as the Xbox 360 remote. This will allow you to instantly access information on person who just challenged you on Xbox Live. Or you can even jump right to where you can find downloadable content for the game you are currently playing. The Xbox Guide button will also allow you to turn the Xbox 360 system on and off from the comfort of your couch. That is one great idea that is has long been overdue.

Xbox Live – There will be two types of Xbox Live for the Xbox 360.

The Silver version is free. It allows you to access the Xbox Live Marketplace as well as communicate with your friends using voice chat. However, you cannot play games online.

With the Gold version of Xbox Live, you get all of the possible features. Most importantly, you can play games online. Your achievements and statistics will be stored so you can check them whenever you want. You will also be able to use video chat and video messaging. Microsoft has announced that all new Xbox 360 owners will get Gold Service feature for the first month. After that, the pricing will be similar to Xbox Live on the current Xbox.

Xbox Live Marketplace. Another great feature of Xbox 360. The marketplace is an area where you will be able to download game demos and trailers as well as new content for games such as new levels, characters, vehicles, weapons, and many others. Some things are free of charge but you will have to pay for some premium content.

Digital Entertainment. The Xbox 360 allows you to rip your music to the hard drive to be used during games. It will also stream music off of any MP3 player that you plug into the USB 2.0 ports. This is including Sony PSP.

You can also upload photos to the hard drive and share them with your friends on Xbox Live. The Xbox 360 also features DVD movies. Unlike the original Xbox, the Xbox 360 can display them in progressive scan. It seems like DVD playback will be available out of the box and will not require the purchase of an extra remote or anything. Definitely an improvement.

Personalizing your console. With the interchangeable faces of the system itself, you can change the color of your system whenever you want by simply snapping on a new face.

You do not even have to buy new faces because you could simply paint the stock face yourself. It is guaranteed that Microsoft will roll out a line of limited edition and collectible faces to lure people in, though.

You will also be able to customize the look and feel of the Xbox Guide browser on the system. Suspiciously similar to changing themes in Windows on your computer. Customization is always a good thing and while these features do not really mean anything in the long run, they certainly provide a nice change every once in awhile.

Xbox 360 and its great features are a great deal unto itself.

Basically, the hard drive is the one playing a major role in how you can use the Xbox 360. You are given the choice of saving the progress of the game on the hard drive, as well as rip your CDs to it.

You can transfer music, videos, and photos from your mp3 player or other USB devices. It will also be necessary to spend more time on Xbox Live because custom content, patches, and other downloadable content needs to be put stored somewhere and a little 64MB memory card isn’t going to cut it.

The hard drive is required for backwards compatibility. The other bonus to having such a hard drive is that loading time is faster especially in some games and other performances boosts.

With all these Xbox features up for grabs, what more can you ask for?

Buy an Xbox 360 for that special child for Christmas.

Monday, December 7, 2009

How To Lose Chest Fat

For some people losing chest fat is not easy. No matter how much weight is lost overall from the body, the chest fat still seems to remain. Some people have a condition called gynecomastia which is an abnormal amount of glands under the nipples and this attracts fat accumulation.

For people such as the above, and for anyone wanting to lose chest fat, the suggestion is to keep low body fat (18% or so). The Keto diet is the best diet to do this:

This is a muscle sparing fat loss diet Works by forcing body into ketosis through carbohydrate deprivation Ketosis is the state where the body converts fat into ketones that the brain uses for fuel when glucose (carbohydrates) are in short supply The only time the body creates and burns ketones in large quantities is when insufficient glucose is available Carbohydrates need to be restricted to 30 grams or less per day The benefits are that the body burns fat as its primary fuel source If you restrict calories you will burn body fat at a high rate You often eat much less than on carbohydrates This diet spares lean muscle when enough protein is consumed (50-150 grams minimum per day per pound of body weight) The diet keeps the metabolism from slowing down

There are 3 different ways of approaching the Keto diet:

Standard Keto: Restrict carbohydrates (to 30 grams per day) and go into ketosis Stay on this regime for long periods until goal fat loss is achieved Sometimes go back on carbohydrates for 1-2 days Only use this diet when weight lifting is being performed Targeted Keto: This is the same as the standard keto but take in an extra 25-50 carbohydrates per day about 30-60 minutes before weight lifting to supply energy for muscles Can help maintain strength while on the diet These carbohydrates should not be counted towards the 30 grams per day allowance Cyclic Keto: Go into ketosis during the week Do ‘carb-ups’ during the weekend Most tricky of the 3 methods; should not be done without supervision

At the same time as doing the Keto diet an exercise regime targeting the chest should also be carried out. You should do high repetition exercises (15-20 exercises a set) with low weights. Do 3 sets of these. The exercises should comprise:

Incline press for the upper chest Flat press for the middle chest Decline press for the lower chest A lot of pushups ( as many as you can for 5 repetitions) Exercise with flies

These exercises should be done for 2 months.

If, at the end of this time, the problem still persists then a product called Lipoderm-Y could be tried. This is applied to the chest area 2 times per day. Doing this should enable you to lose fat fast if your metabolism is working properly. Keep on doing the low weight exercises whilst doing this.

Should all else fail, and the fat is still on your chest then surgical means may be required. A procedure called Gynecomastia can be carried out. This involves removing the fat surgically and reshaping the problem part of the chest. Some points of view state that this is the only means of removing the fat from the chest effectively. Still, it is worthwhile trying diet and exercise first since these might work for you, thus avoiding surgery.

Fat on the chest area seems to be an ongoing problem for some people. Diet and exercise can sometimes be used to combat this. If this fails, you might need to consider surgery.

Belly Flab - Blast The Fat For A Trim Stomach.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Divorce and Health Insurance Benefits

Divorce causes major issues with health insurance benefits. Many families have employer provided and/or paid for health insurance benefits that cover the entire family. It is not uncommon to see situations where the other spouse is a stay at home parent, with absolutely no access to health insurance benefits, or employed at a job with either no health insurance benefits available or those benefits available at a substantial cost. After a divorce, the spouse with the family health insurance coverage can no longer cover the other parent. They are no longer "family" members who can take advantage of one health insurance policy. How to then ensure that everyone stays insured does become an issue for negotiation and/or divorce litigation.

If both parties do not have health insurance benefits available and if the cost of obtaining those health insurance benefits for the other party after a divorce become prohibitive, there is one way to continue benefits without additional cost. That way is to enter into a separation agreement, but delay the divorce. That way, the parties actually do remain married and they can stay on the same health insurance plan even thought they are separed. The parties can consent to waiting for one, two or more years before either one files for a divorce. While the parties will remain married, their property, custody, and support issues will be addressed in their separation agreement. Under some circumstances, this is an optimal resolution. For example, what if both parties want one spouse to remain at home for several more years with young children, but they do still want to separate and divorce? This option works for them. They can separate, agree upon getting a divorce and all of the terms that they have to agree upon, but delay the final divorce so that they can keep cost effective health insurance benefits in place.

The above example can provide some difficulties that must be discusse in detail with your divorce attorney. For example, if you separate but do not divorce, your federal tax filing status may be affected. Also, in some states, it is not as easy as in other states to enforce a separation agreement. Or, in yet other states, it is possible for one spouse to take the advantages provided by the agreement for a year or two and then go to court and seek entirley different forms of financial relief in a divorce action. Only a divorce attorney licensed to practice in your state can advise you on these issues.

Another option for couples divorce is COBRA coverage. COBRA is a federal law which mandates that a person covered under a health insurance policy be given the right to continue that coverage, at their own cost, for a set time period if certain requirements exist. For example, if you obtain a divorce and your spouse had family health insurance coverage through his employer, the employer would have to provide COBRA coverage for you after the divorce. That COBRA coverage would require that you have the same health insurance policy, although your coverage would now be individual and not family. You would have to pay the employer's cost for that individual policy.

It is not uncommon for a stay at home spouse or a spouse who has less income or employment options to obtain COBRA coverage and to negotiate that their spouse pay for that coverage for a specified time period after the divorce. In doing so, this gives the spouse who did not have coverage available some time to either obtain employment with coverage or become financially settled and able to afford their own coverage.

Learn where to get authoritative information on how to win child custody court cases.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Unique Baby Gifts - It's All the Rage

If you put your mind to it, you can easily come up with some pretty unique baby gifts for this up and coming holiday season. If your not quite sure what to give as a gift for someone special and you want it to be unique and unusual, I'll provide you with some ideas to some of the very special baby gifts that are given from time to time.

A unique baby gift would be something that you could personalize to make it something very special for that sweet little newborn. The parent who will most likely receive the personalized item, will be able to cherish it always. Here are infant items that I have noticed lately that is all the rage. There are personalized items such as storybooks that tell about themselves throughout the book, a blanket, infant newspaper photo, baby license to show off to your friends, hand print set, and personalized candy bar wrappers to give as a special gift, just to name a few.

Other than personalizing, there are many other unique gifts such as; a first baby gift basket, a diaper cake, designer bag gift set, watch me grow blanket and pillow set, anything for grandma items and many more to purchase or create and come up with on your own. If you research it enough, you can easily create most of these newborn items by reading and how to videos from the internet. Many unique items can be created using special templates or special software you can purchase. Just being a little bit creative and using your imagination, you can come up with something very new and different that no one else has done and be the talk of the town.

For more great ideas on how to create personalized unique baby gifts and more go to

For the best unique baby gifts, visit Simply Unique Baby Gifts where you will find a large selection of baby gift baskets free shipping for boy, girls, unisex and twins.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Baby Shower Gift Baskets: Gifts For The Perfect Shower

A baby shower is a very special time and it is important to choose the right gift. You've circled the date on your calendar. You know that it's approaching. All of your other friends have purchased their presents weeks in advanced, but you, the only single left in the bunch, still can't decide on what present to bring to your friend's baby shower.

Let's face it, you know nothing about babies. Your presence make babies cry! You can't tell a blanket from a diaper! This is your first time ever to attend one of these so called events. You know you suck at this, and everyone knows it too, but still you have to go, It's a test of friendship! So what do you do?

Well, for starters you wipe that frown off of your face, and you put on your "I'm happy to be an auntie smile!'. Then, you go to a shopping mall, and you grab yourself a baby shower gift basket!

Gift baskets contain everything from soft toys, hats, blankets, undergarments, changing pads, sleeping gowns, teething toy, bears, etc.

The great thing about gift baskets is that they are very useful. The people who put together baby shower gift baskets know what they are doing! The things that are included in a baby shower gift basket are exactly the things that a new mother, and an upcoming baby will need.

So you know you'd be getting your money's worth when you purchase a baby shower gift basket. More importantly, it will make the recipient happy. New mothers need all the help that they could get, especially once the have delivered their babies. The daily expenses of a family always escalates with the addition of a new member. So it is best to give presents that will help to provide for the needs of the new mother, and baby.

Baby shower gift baskets come in different themes. Some of these baskets concentrate on the baby's bath time needs. Items like: towels, washcloths, comb and brush sets; and of course, the quintessential giant rubber duckies are included.

This puts variety, and a fun twist on the baby shower gift basket idea! So you'd actually have quite a selection to choose from.

These baby shower gift baskets vary in prices, depending on the intricacy of the lay out, and items included in the basket. The average price for a baby shower gift basket is around $70.

These baskets are usually divided into girl themes, and boy themes. The girl- themed baskets usually come in pink, and contain items suitable for a baby girl. While the boy-themed gift baskets offer things that a baby boy will need.

These baby shower gift baskets can also be purchased online. So if you don't have any time to shop, you can just always order a gift basket online. The selection of these gift baskets are usually displayed online. Also, the items that are included inside is listed along side the picture of the gift basket.

They come in a nicely gift wrapped packaging that includes a ribbon and a card. This allows you to write a personal greeting, and a dedication to the mother. Don't forget to include well wishes for the baby!

If you've purchased your gift basket online, you can just type in your dedication on the net. This way, your dedication will be included in the gift basket that you've ordered. It will then be delivered to the specified recipient.

Baby shower gift baskets are a wonderful and thoughtful gift idea because they include a little bit of everything. They are also very meaningful because they provide things that will provide for the needs of a newborn baby.

So become a baby shower superstar, and bring a baby shower gift basket to the party. All your friends will be in awe of you!

Simply Unique Baby Gifts

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Marketing Strategies: 7 Tips To Becoming A Money Magnet

Did you know that most people block prosperity because of hidden beliefs about money? This article gives you seven tips to create yourself to be a “money magnet”.

Tip 1: Identify your Money Type

According to Deborah Price, author of Money Magic, we all identify with certain money archetypes. For example,when money issues come up, do you bury your head in the sand, like an ostrich? Then most likely your type is called The Innocent. If you’re not The Innocent, you might be The Victim, The Tyrant, The Warrior, The Martyr, The Fool or The Magician.

Tip 2: What was your conditioning about money?

What old beliefs did you receive from your parents, teachers and the society around you about money? Many of my clients report that their old beliefs include:

--“Earning money means punching a time clock”
--“Money is scarce”
--“Money is evil”

Which of these have you struggled with?

Tip 3: What are your updated beliefs about money?

Since nature abhors a vacuum, then after you release your old Beliefs about money, put in some empowered beliefs that cause you to become a money magnet. These beliefs might sound something like this:

--“I am increasingly magnetic to money”
--“My income always exceeds my expenses”
--“I am highly worth of being prosperous”

Tip 4: Create a New Money Type for Yourself

According to “Money Magic”, the ideal type to strive for is the “magician”. Why? Because the “magician” claims his/her own power and manifests his/her own financial reality.

Tip 5: Use the Law of Attraction

The Law of Attraction simply states that you get what you focus on. So if you focus on the lack of money, the difficulty of paying bills and the fears about whether you can support yourself, then You will receive more of that in return. The solution? Easy, everytime you find yourself focusing on what you don’t want, stop yourself and say, “So, what do I want?”

Tip 6: Tame your Inner Gremlin

Do you have a voice that berates you? Do you find that it’s impossible to please that voice? Then undoubtedly, you are dealing with your Inner Gremlin, also known as the Inner Critic.

It’s busy telling you that you aren’t worthy of having money.

“Who are you to be prosperous?” it will say. It will probably badger you until you turn this voice into an ally who will say, “You deserve an abundance of prosperity.”

Tip 7: Plan your work and work your plan

When you have finally let go of your old beliefs about money, you will find it much easier to create an effective business plan. More importantly, you’ll be much more able to implement that plan and manifest prosperity when you are a money magnet.

Read more content marketing tips to attract and keep customers in your B2B company.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Why Every Cycler Needs a Cycle Computer

Today cycle computers can do much more than just track the speed, distance and amount of time each ride takes. However there are certain other features than many of these devices now have included within them and we are going to be taking a look at just what some of these are.

Heart Monitor

This is ideal if you are someone who likes to know exactly what rate their heart is working at whilst they are out riding. No longer do you have to carry the additional weight of a heart rate monitor on your body instead you can let the computer do it for you. Those computers which come with a built in heart rate monitoring system then allows for additional space on your handlebars, and yet still provides the user with this essential information.

Gear Information

If you want to know exactly what gear you are in when out for a ride then choose one which comes with this feature as it will display through out the ride what gear you are in on the screen in front of you.


This feature enables the rider to see at what speed they are pedalling and by being able to see this a rider is then able to choose the right gear which will then prevent them from placing to much pressure on their muscles and joints. The easier a person finds it to pedal then the much longer they will be able to ride for. One cycle computer which features this is the Vetta V100 wireless cadence kit.

Split Screen

If you are someone who wants to spend less time whilst out riding having to press buttons in order to see certain statistics or features on your device then why not choose one which comes with a split screen. These particular models then allow you to see not just the speed at which you are traveling but also your cadence as well. There are even some models which include the option for being able to display 4 functions on the screen on your handlebars.


If you are someone who happens to live in an area which is full of various altitudes then purchase a cycle computer which includes this particular feature within the device. This will then allow you to track the altitude at which you are currently traveling and also help to show where you have gained or loss altitude throughout the ride.

Certainly if you are looking for a cycle computer which contains the above features along with such other ones as wireless, thermometer, freeze frame memory and dual bike memory then it may be worth investing in the Vetta V100 wireless cadence kit.

Wireless bicycle computer is the latest innovation in cycling. Make your cycling more efficient and entertaining by using world’s top brand of wireless cycle computer

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

How Hoodia Gordonii Compares to Other Weight Loss Supplements

Hoodia Gordonii, also known as hoodia, Ghaap, xhooba, khoba, hoodia cactus, and South African desert cactus hoodia is a cactus-like plant that is currently causing a stir in the US and Canada for its potential to suppress appetite and promote weight loss.

Some people report that hoodia works for them right away, suppressing appetite within 20 to 30 minutes after taking the capsules. Generally, though, people typically need up to two weeks of regular hoodia intake before they begin to notice the effects of hoodia, which include a reduced interest in food, a delay in the time after eating before hunger sets in again, a feeling of fullness and a general feeling of well-being.

It is good noting that Hoodia gordonii is not a stimulant, and has no known negative side effects. However, there would always be someone who has a reaction to even the safest supplement, so it usually differs on each person’s personal experiences. It would be best to get the advice and guidance of a licensed medical practitioner, should one be unsure of the possible effects.

Natural hoodia supplements are currently available in the market, but one should be particularly careful that he/she takes a hoodia pill that contains the actual plant, since there are some brands out there who claim to contain hoodia, and have been tested to show that they do not have an ounce of hoodia whatsoever. Among the popular hoodia supplements in the market are Hoodia Slim from Paradise Herbs, and the Canadian-based MHSCI Hoodia.

Some individuals start by taking 1-2 capsules of Hoodia an hour before lunch and 1-2 capsules an hour before dinner daily for the first two weeks. As the appetite suppressant effect seeps in, some people drop back to 1 or 2 capsules per day. It is advised to follow the directions of your qualified healthcare professional.

Other weight loss supplements in the market have been found to have little or no effect on weight loss. Among these supplements are Chitosan, Garcinia cambogia and Pyruvate. Chitosan, a marine-derived starch found in the skeletons of shrimp, crab, and other shellfish, is often used in products promising to keep dietary fats from being absorbed by the body.

However, researchers have concluded that "the evidence available in the literature indicates that there is considerable doubt that chitosan is effective for reducing body weight." Garcinia cambogia is one of the main components in one of the best-selling supplemental weight loss products, Hydroxycut., and researchers have concluded that "the evidence for G. cambogia is not compelling."

Pyruvate, which is formed by the body during the breakdown of carbohydrates, is often touted as a booster of metabolism and an appetite suppressant, but analysts reported that "the case of pyruvate as an aid to body-composition changes and weight loss is weak."

According to weight loss analysts and researchers, clinical evidence was also inadequate for the other supplements being sold as weight-loss aids, including the evergreen tree-derived herbal pill Yerba mate, Yohimbe and the fiber psyllium, but the analysts concluded that "none of the reviewed dietary supplements noted can be recommended for over-the-counter use."

Health Free contains the latest information about weight loss plans. We provide tips on how to lose weight fast with diet plans, healthy diet plans, weight loss programs to easy diet.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Colon Cleanse - How Good is It?

Let's first have a look on what makes a colon cleanse necessary. The main reason for overweight is of course bad and fatty food. But many people still don't really know what it does to your body. The chemicals contained in fast food clog your colon after a time. This can make the space in your colon shrink to the size of a pencil! This is a disease, that is much more common than you think. Studies have now proven, that over 95% of all Americans have pounds of toxic fecal waste stuck in their colon.

In this case the body is not able to digest the food, that you eat properly, so more of the fat is being absorbed by your body. A good colon cleanse, makes it possible for your body to digest your meals just the way it would normally do.

First of all a clogged colon makes people feel flabby no matter if they slept well and enough. This is caused by the fact that the body needs much more energy to digest the eaten meals. Anyway many people suffering from a clogged colon are usually not able to sleep well. They toss and turn in bed, and find their sleep is restless.

More important than that it can cause serious diseases like high blood pressure, heart diseases, diabetes and in worst cases even colon cancer. So we can say, that an effective colon cleanse would help preventing all those diseases with a single treatment.

This can have various health benefits:

  • An increased metabolism
  • Instant weight loss
  • More energy
  • Smooth sleep
  • Smooth digestion
  • No more headaches caused by a lack of energy
  • Improvement of the mood
  • An improved stamina
  • Cancer prevention
  • Diabetes prevention
  • Prevention of high blood pressure
  • A strengthened immune system
  • A tightened skin
  • A clean colon
  • Removes toxic fecal waste from the body
  • Prevents constipation
  • Keeps the body from absorbing additional fat
  • Optimisation of the blood sugar
  • Increases concentration

This is only some of the benefits that come hand in hand with a colon cleanse. There are much more. In fact there are far too many to list up here! All together we can say that a good colon cleanse is not only a very powerful weight loss solution, which it definitely is, it is also the #1 method to prevent colon cancer as well as many other diseases coming together with a clogged colon.

This makes it the most powerful weight loss solution of our time, as it is quick, and ultra effective, healthy and natural.

Summing this all up, we can say, that a good colon cleanse is definitely worth a try!

By Julia Mathews

Learn more about Colon Cleanse and why it is probably the most powerful weight loss solution of our time.

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colon cleansing and weight loss

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

The Relationship Between Moral Standards and Online Dating

Morality is a big issue in our lives and it actually define who we are according to social standards. It is a matter of what is wrong and what is right. Moral standards and online dating has been an issue for so long. Online dating has several stereotypes surrounding it. Public opinion matters less but what what really influences our decision in joining online dating is self evaluation and gauging whether it is immoral or moral. According to philosophy there are several definitions and they vary with individuals. People have different life styles and so what you may think is right is completely wrong in the eyes of someone else. Virtual ethics dictate that an act is viewed as morally good if it contributes to general happiness in the society.

Individual moral standards should be set while putting into consideration two main schools of thought regarding motivation and the result of the act. Different people have different beliefs concerning moral standards and online dating. For instance some people believe that homosexuality is immoral but to some people it is actually very moral. The experiences in our lives as individuals contribute a lot towards setting moral standards. Every single person has different life experiences and hence the different point of views. According to a recent research, moral standards have greatly changed. People find no problem in using imperfect knowledge to gain economically. As we all know religion plays a major role in setting the moral standards. With changes in the church we have even seen gay Bishops been acknowledged.

Our moral standards and online dating have confused some people. The standards are set out by peers, the laws of the time, education system and the media. In this time and age everything has been automated by the use of computers. The technology has made everything easier with dating included. Single men and women are convinced that it is right to go on with online dating because it does not define morality of an individual and i could not agree more. If you belong to the old school of thought, you will see online dating as a waste of time, a reflection of desperation and immorality of the highest order. Just like ordinary dating, you choose what to do and what to talk about online. Due to the anonymity featured on online dating, people might choose to talk dirty and entertain obscenity but it can also happen in a face to face date.

The issue of moral standards and online dating lies in the idea of etiquette. The online dating members can choose to be law abiding, patient and polite despite their state of anonymity. The new phenomenon of online dating is a reflection of changing moral values. It is actually an entrepreneurial venture operating on the basis of social environment that have some business elements. Sex dating sites are examples of aspect of immorality in online dating. The sex sites still have their rules and regulation which manage morality. For example they have age restrictions. If you are under 18 years of age you are not supposed to visit the sites.

Francis K. Githinji Is An Online Dating Expert. His Latest Project Online Dating Shows How The Power Of Online Dating Can Be Harnessed Internationally and With Great Success, Or You Could Post Your Valued Comments On His Blog At Online Dating

Read more about online dating here.
Visit here for more online dating tips.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Easy and Healthy Breakfast Ideas

Breakfast can often be the hardest meal of the day to eat healthy for. Most people are hurrying to rush off to work or school and don’t want to take the time to prepare a good meal. It’s been said that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, so don’t scrimp on it by grabbing sugary cereals or other convenience foods for breakfast. Here are some easy and healthy breakfast ideas that can be made in just a few minutes:

- Whole wheat toast with almond butter, peanut butter, or some all fruit spread. Serve it with a side of fresh fruit.

- Fruit smoothies. If you have a magic bullet type blender, they are super quick and easy to make. Just throw some frozen fruit, a banana, and some yogurt into a the blender. Make it extra healthy by adding some flax oil or ground flax seed.

- Whole wheat pancakes. Make up a big batch of them once a week and then freeze them. They reheat nicely in the microwave. If you have an electric griddle, it doesn’t take long to make them at all. I usually add ground flax seed to my pancake batter to make them even more nutritious. Serve with some fresh fruit.

These are just a few ideas but there are a lot of options for healthy breakfasts. If you want to eat cereal, opt for low sugar options such as Cheerios and use skim milk.

Another tip, cut up any fruit you want to eat with breakfast the night before. This will save precious time in the morning, especially if you are always running late. Bananas are always great to have on hand for breakfast too. Not only are they quick and easy to eat, they are great brain food!

Starting the day with a healthy breakfast can be the key to having a productive, energy filled day and with a just a little planning before hand, it can be easy to prepare.

Rebecca Johnson is a work at home mom of two who enjoys writing on a variety of topics including everything from what is the best steam mop to buy to what the top toddler toys are.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Download Online Videos

Who has not heard of YouTub, Break, or sites are popular for their videos . When I see a great video, a quesion always pops up in my mind of how they do that, and I'm amazed.
I have very little knowledge about making a video or download youtube videos like the talented people on that site. This is always something I would like to learn some days. Some videos on YouTube are just way over my head, and amazing. I wouldn’t even know where to begin.
My simple conquered was when I upload a short video of the Swans Bathing to my blog by using the available tool in Blogger! Now, if someone asks me how to convert and download a video, I will have no answer and will have to do a research for the information needed.
I believe the easiest way to convert/upload/download a video is to find the right software for it. For now, I am just happy using that simple icon to upload my homemade video.
I found this short video of JoJo teaching Roco how to ride the bike without training wheels, and I just click on the Video icon and transfer it to blogger. I don't know how to edit or make it better yet.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Auto Insurance – Which Type Is Right For You?

Auto insurance is a form of insurance available to consumers who own cars, trucks and other vehicles. It covers the insured party against the risks involved in owning or driving a vehicle. This may be a car accident, damage caused to other cars or property, loss to passengers in your car, and damage to your car itself.

Optional Covers

There are different levels of insurance available depending on what risks you wants to cover. You can cover against the costs of repairing your vehicle after an accident. You can cover the cost of purchasing a new car should yours be stolen or damaged beyond repair. These are optional covers.

Liability insurance on the other hand is compulsory for all drivers. This will cover the risk of claims being made against you as the driver or owner of the vehicle that caused damage to the property of another, the vehicle of another, for medical expenses of others injured as a result of an accident, including passengers in your car. If you have liability insurance, it will only cover these risks. If you have comprehensive insurance it will cover also the risks to yourself and your own vehicle.

GAP Insurance

However, even comprehensive insurance will not fully cover your risks. First of all there is the issue that, as soon as you buy a new car, its price suddenly drops significantly because it is no longer new. It is used. So if you were to destroy your car the day after buying it, the insurance company would likely assess the value as something less than what you paid for it, even though you may still owe a good deal more than that in payments and financing.

To cover the chances of this happening, so called GAP insurance was developed. This covers the difference in the actual value of your car, and the amount you still owe in payments. The growth of vehicle leasing has also led to GAP insurance becoming more important.

Extra Cover

In the US, the insurance policy will generally cover the owner of the vehicle and any others who drive the vehicle so long as they do not live at the same address. For those living at the same address, you should have them specifically added to your insurance policy for an extra fee. This means that if you crash someone else’s car, while driving it with their permission, you will be covered by their policy, not your own. Non-owner policies are available to cover you on other people’s cars but these will only be available if you do not own your own car.

Michigan Auto Insurance
Michigan Auto Insurance Quote

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Just Visiting

A long time ago their lived a little girl. She had long thick strawberry blonde curls that fell to the bottom of her pinafore and big sparkly blue eyes that made everyone smile when she looked at them. Her mother was a nurse and the little girl was her only child. Because the mother did not want to leave her child alone, the mother would take the little girl to work with her. The little girl loved this very much.

The mother worked at a special place. It was called "THE VALLEY OF THE SUNSHINE SCHOOL". Inside the school there were three large rooms. One room was for learning, the other for eating and the last for sleeping. The sleeping room had many iron beds that looked like baby cribs so the kids would not wander or fall out in the night. The children had no ages and smiled at the little girl all of the time. Some big kids wore diapers and some little kids looked very old. They gave her many hugs everyday and laughed at her jokes. Elliot hugged her the most often. Sometimes he hugged her so tight that the old little kids had to loosen his embrace. He was stronger than he knew. She knew he didn't mean to squeeze her to death. Her Mom told her so. She said he was just loving her to pieces. This made her giggle. The little girl loved them all very much.

One day the little girl saw a Father drop his child off. Mothers and fathers were hardly ever seen at the school. He said crying to the little girl's mother, "Her name is Phyllis. She is four years old. Please be kind to her. I will miss her always." Phyllis was wearing a diaper and a pink cotton t-shirt that said "Make me Smile". She was very pretty and her head was extra large with little hair for making ponytails. As the father walked out the door she cried for him, "Daddy come back. I'm scared!" The little girl, feeling Phyllis's fear ran up to her and said. "It's okay, I will play with you. It will make the sadness go away. We will make paper dolls and dance until the sunshine sets." Phyllis shared a faint smile and confidently replied, "I'm just visiting." The little girl's mother took them both to a safe corner where they could create, pretend and move about freely.

Phyllis was very smart. The little girl, being just six at the time, decided that Phyllis had a big head because she was smarter than most four year olds and her brains were just growing faster than her body. Every day they would read, write, play and dance. Then one day the little girl had to go to school. This meant leaving Phyllis alone a lot of the time.

Public School was nothing like The Sunshine School. The kids at the new school did not hug the little girl or laugh at her jokes. In fact, they were never glad to see her like her other friends at the Sunshine School. She already knew how to read and write and do arithmetic. She had known how to do this since she was three, so school was very boring and she lived under her desk and would sneak out on the playground or hide in the bathroom whenever she could. Sometimes her mother would come and get her and scold her. She would say things like, "you are going to get me fired if I have to keep leaving work in the middle of the day to come and get you." The little girl would cry for a minute and then she'd realize that she would get to return to the Sunshine School with her mother...where Phyllis was "just visiting".

Eventually, first grade became so boring that the school moved the little girl into a special class with other kids that had a hard time listening to old news. They made her read all of the time to other adults that would ask her big questions. They would bring in heavy big people books and grownup magazines and ask her to read to them. They would look surprised. She thought it sad that a little kid could read and they still couldn't. She did not like it at all. Finally she refused to read for anyone anymore, except Phyllis.

Summer break finally came around and the little girl had not seen Phyllis for weeks. She couldn't wait to see her. Carrying a bag of her favorite toys into the learning room, she noticed there was no Phyllis. Dropping the toys she ran into the eating room. No Phyllis. Could it be that her visit was over? Had her Daddy come back? Then as she peeked into the sleeping room she saw Phyllis sitting upright in her crib. Phyllis was all alone in the sunlit room. The little girl asked, "Were you sleeping?" Phyllis replied, "Oh No. I just can't stand up anymore. My head makes me fall over." The little girl crawled up and over into her crib only to find that Phyllis's head had grown to twice its size since her last visit. The little girl was convinced that Phyllis was probably a genius by now given the size of her brain and her head's obvious enormity. "It's okay", said the little girl. "I will play with you here until your body catches up with your head. It won't be long. Probably by the end of summer you will match." Phyllis believed her and they played with paper dolls until the sun began to set in the sleeping room.

The mother picked up the sleepy little girl from Phyllis's crib and kissing Phyllis on her giant forehead unclasped the girls' fingers from one another's grip. Both mother and daughter were tired and returned home. That same night after a bubble bath, the little girl crawled in bed with her mother and began to ask questions, "Mommy where did my friend Elliot the hugger go?" The mother answered "To the colony". The little girl asked, "What is the colony?" Her mother replied, " It is where the children go when their bodies are too tired to continue."

The little girl thinking that Elliot was reviving himself at a Disneyland place asked, "When will he be back." The mother looked gently into her eyes and said, "God gives them wings at the colony... so they need not ever come back." The little girl thought this was very cool and wanted to know when she could get wings. The mother told her "when your job is done". "But I don't have a job', she replied. The mother continued, "Your job is to love everyone just like you love Phyllis." With a shocked and disappointed look she exclaimed, "I will never get my wings then because EVERYONE is a really big number!"

The next day the mother went to work while the little girl's father took her to the dentist. Afterwards he dropped her off at The Sunshine School. The little girl excited to be there, ran into the sleeping room preparing to jump up and over and into Phyllis's crib, only to find her missing again. She merrily scouted the eating room, then the learning room and when she could not find her, she ran looking for her mother. Running back into the sleeping room just in case she had missed Phyllis in her search, she saw her Mother standing by Phyllis's bed with eyes fixed upon where she last played. The little girl asked, "Where is Phyllis?" The mother replied, "She has gone to the colony." The little girl cried and cried. The mother comforted her saying that she will have big big wings that can carry the weight of her genius and she will never fall over again. The little girl asked, "What was her job?" The mother softly replied she was "Just Visiting" long enough to love you.

"In Memory of Elizabeth Isabelle Reel" RN for The Valley of the Sun School aka "Angels Unawares" The story took place from 1959-1961. The school was a refuge for mentally retarded children (dwarfs, mongoloids, developmentally disabled, down syndrome and hydrocephalic victims). Located in Phoenix Arizona, where the temperature exceeded 120 degrees often in the summer, there was no air conditioning to sooth or television to entertain. Friendship came in fanning one another, playing paper dolls and dancing till the sunshine set.

Dr. Zannah Hackett
Author Speaker Relationship Technologist and Preceptor

Get free Nurse Jokes by americas favorite Nurse Comedian Karyn Buxman

Friday, September 25, 2009

Don’t Judge a Woman by Her Looks!

I know this tip may sound very cliché, but it’s true. At some point or another we’re all guilty of judging something, or someone, based on appearance alone. While it’s not right, we still seem to have that tendency to be superficial. This type of behavior can be very detrimental when it comes to seducing a woman. Women like to be appreciated for who they are, not what they look like. Even those women who have great physical beauty don’t necessarily want to be judged on that characteristic alone.

Women keep the thought in the back of their mind that one day they may want to have a child. If and when they become pregnant, look at all the changes their body goes through. The mere fact that their body has to expand at a very rapid pace to accommodate the growth of the baby is frightening. And the knowledge that their figure may never be the same is equally frightening.

Another thought that women have is that eventually we all get older and less youthful in appearance. We know that in general, a man is considered more distinguished looking when his hair takes on the salt and pepper look, whereas women merely look old. A few wrinkles on a man are no big deal, but for women the first sign of a wrinkle is cause to consider botox treatment, or more. Society has made women terribly self conscious. Bear in mind when considering what you truly believe is important in a woman. If looks is top on your list it will surely lead to a very dissatisfying experience for you, and your woman.

I’m not trying to say that you have to resolve to be happy with someone you find utterly unattractive. Women all have preferences in looks, personality and many other traits that we have to abide by. It’s a matter of compatibility. But what women do have to take into consideration is that attraction is not just a matter of physical appearance. So take the time to find out what’s inside before you discount women based on what’s outside.

I want to reconcile my marriage! If this sounds like you, we can show you how.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Finding the Right Piano Technician for Your Piano Restoration Project

There are a number of reasons that you want to find the correct person to restore your piano. Whether it’s a new instrument that could use a good tuning or an antique piano that could use a good overhaul, finding the right piano technician for your piano restoration can make all the difference in its ultimate quality.

This is one of the most important decisions you will make with regards to your piano. If you value your piano and want the best, you should take your time and find not just a piano technician, but an artist who loves their job and specializes in piano restoration, adheres to the highest restoration standards, has years of professional experience and good references.

First off, look for the music store in your area with the best references. Talk to friends and colleagues, go online, and try to get referrals. The best dealer in your area probably works with the best piano restoration technicians. They can often give you personal references and guide you in the right direction.

Don’t forget to check out the Piano Technicians Guild (PTG) website. They are an excellent resource and can be quite helpful in finding an expert piano technician in your area who can give your piano the restoration it deserves. Get names, do research, and get referrals.

Piano restoration is an art; there are a number of people who are good, solid piano restoration artists, but only a handful who are truly masters. No matter their level, make sure that they are members of the Piano Technicians Guild, that they are a Registered Piano Technician, and that they have good references. This is essential, as any serious technician will belong to this guild.

A true professional piano technician will do more than “tune and leave.” They will share whatever knowledge they have about your piano and its inner workings; they will offer advice and tips on caring for your piano; they will check it out thoroughly and be honest in their assessment. In short, they will offer the full piano restoration service.

Additionally, it’s helpful to be somewhat informed about pianos and their parts, including possible problems and aspects of maintenance. Be sure to ask questions. This ensures greater trust and confidence in your piano technician’s work; it also allows them to communicate with you more effectively during your piano’s restoration. In addition, a decent knowledge base aids in recognizing an experienced, professional piano technician from an amateur or less experienced individual.

Discover online piano course reviews in the Play Piano Guide.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Hiring a Quality Home Movers

Moving from one dwelling place to another is a normal scene in Singapore. A number of occupants are not home owners. They are just tenants. The reason is that owning a house is not easy especially for non Singaporean citizens who obviously make up the lion's share of Singapore's manpower. Thus housing service is mostly on a yearly contract basis.

Given this real scenario and considering the volatile behavior of the real estate market, the demand for home movers is high in Singapore. While there are many service providers, it pays to do your job in screening out the most dependable home movers particularly if you are short of cash. And the necessity to make a good choice is paramount if you would like proper care on the manner your stuff are transported.

The rate of home movers in Singapore can be quite expensive. It may turn out to be much more costly later if you happen to hire unskilled home movers who can only mess up with your priceless stuffs. Other companies engaged in this service because it is good money and those duly registered and professionaly trained to give moving service. You definitely opt to engage home movers who can offer the best rate and the best service possible.

If there is one good venue to locate these movers in Singapore, it is through the internet. Check on ebay Singapore. Search using the keyword "Singapore home movers" and you can most likely generate a good search list. What makes ebay a good source of info is that you can refer to testimonials of previous clients. Yes, while these feedbacks are not 100% reliable you can have at the minimum an idea on the kind of service.

Also, online forums which are Singapore based in nature can give you some guide on home movers. Just concentrate on heavy traffic blogs and forums. Of course, not missing out the classifieds. Home movers tend to post ads on online classifieds because ad posting here for free, if not at a very minimal rate.

With your filtered list, you expect to tap the most reliable home movers in town which will give lesser hassle house moving service for you.

Visit us for more information on Singapore Home Movers

Thursday, September 10, 2009

The Best Day Trading Strategies Involve Price Action

If you are looking at day trading strategies, then it's very important that you start learning about price action. Sadly, most day traders don't consider price action. They much prefer to use indicators that give off trading signals.

Day traders should begin to understand the drawbacks that these indicators have, I know the convenience factor is something that appeals to most traders, but its not worth all the negatives.

For example, I know that trading the crossovers on moving averages would be very appealing to somebody who is struggling with their trading. After all, the only thing you have to pay attention to is whenever these lines cross each other. This should be your first clue as to what is wrong with using this kind of day trading strategy.

You don't even have to pay attention to the price. This is the most important part of technical trading, and instead you are looking at a couple of moving average lines waiting for them to cross each other. What does this have to do with anything?

I understand the alternative of learning price action may seem very daunting, if you have no experience with it. But isn't that the case with anything? Doesn't it all seem complicated when you are first starting out? It's really no different when it comes to the forex trading strategy of price action.

It's all about training your eyes to see something that you are not used to seeing: The actual energy of the market. Don't worry it sounds a lot more scientific than it actually is. Before you know it, you'll be seeing price action patterns in your sleep.

John Templeton has been a successful forex trader after learning how to trade price action. Once he understood that all he needed to trade forex was on a plain chart with no indicators, his profits soared.

Emini Trading Strategies

30 Minute Emini Day Trading System

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Choosing the Best Holiday Destination

Working 9 – 5, raising a family, worrying about the mortgage and trying to make time for all the people, pressures and demands in your life can take its toll. You need a break from time to time and because it is so essential that you use your holiday time for completely unwinding and de-stressing it is absolutely critical that you pick out the best holiday destination each time and avoid wasting your days away, your hard earned cash and your quality time with loved ones.

This guide to choosing the best holiday destination for you covers the top ten points you should consider when planning that next getaway.

1) The Time Of The Year – when are you planning on taking your next holiday? Certain destinations are only attractive to holidaymakers at a given time of the year because of climatic conditions. Think carefully about when you’ll be travelling and then examine the rainfall and temperature charts for your shortlist of destinations and make sure it will be neither extremely too hot or cold or wet or windy when you plan to holiday.

2) Your Budget – your budget will have a major bearing on where you travel to and also when you can travel. Travelling out of season on a last minute package holiday will of course save you lots of money, but there are other ways to make your money go further. Travel agents nowadays offer early bird booking discounts for example, alternatively you could book each stage of the holiday separately and possibly save more by calling airlines, hotels and hire car companies direct and asking about any special offers or discounts they offer and maybe you could even consider a house swap to save on accommodation costs.

3) Distance – long haul flights are no fun unless you can travel business class! And what’s more, having to travel to your ideal destination over a 12 or even 24 hour period and then suffering jetlag when you arrive and upon your return will maybe eat up as much as half of your holiday in real terms. Think about the distance you would like to travel in terms of hours sat on a plane, in departures, on a bus, in the car or even on a train…and then research destinations accordingly.

4) Travelling Parents – if you have children and you’re planning a family holiday a whole load of new criteria come into the planning. If you have young pre-school children you may be able to travel out of the peak school holiday times and thus save yourself thousands…but you will have the added hassle of having to travel with half a tonne of baby paraphernalia! Research your airline and resort in terms of the facilities they offer parents. Also, you must consider the heat, sun and humidity factors when travelling as children suffer more and also tend to vocalise more than us when uncomfortable for long periods of time!

5) Facilities – what facilities are in or around the resorts you’re considering and what facilities to you require? If you can’t be more than a day away from the internet make sure there’s access from your hotel, if you’re travelling with children is there a laundry service offered – or better still if you’re on a budget, do they have a laundry room in the hotel that you can access? Do you need to carry an iron, a hair dryer, a carry cot or even a child’s car seat with you or will your hotel and hire car company be able to supply you with all the bulky items you need? Ask, don’t assume!

6) Amenities – if you want to keep fit when away is there a hotel gym, what about a spa so that you can make the most of your time away? Is there an onsite bar and restaurant, what about gift shops and a mini market? Think about all the amenities you would like to have access to before you begin your research and then when you find an attractive destination tick off your list of desirable amenities against what it offers.

7) Entertainment – when it comes to your idea of a good time does that include wild night life or easy access to sites of historic or cultural interest? Are you after pubs, clubs, bars and restaurants for a 24 hour party or would you like to be able to drive to a stunning castle, take a boat trip out to sea, wander away from the crowds and find entertainment in tranquillity? You will have a good idea of the entertainment requirements you and travelling companions require – just make sure you pick a resort that fits in with those requirements!

8) Beach Flop Or Activity Holiday – are you happy to flop on the sand and soak up the sun or would you be happier hiking in the Himalayas? Think carefully about what exactly would bring you the most pleasure from your time away. Don’t go with the flow and copy the crowds if your idea of a nice time is simply relaxing in your garden at home for two weeks then do that! Your holiday time is your own so make of it what you can and what you want.

9) Health Requirements – if you or your family have any particular health issues from asthma to diabetes, from a physical handicap to even a fear of flying you should take all of these factors into the planning. Certain destinations are less sophisticated in terms of medical facilities available and even in terms of access to prescription drugs, some are more inaccessible in terms of travelling to or even getting around than others. Also, some destinations carry disease warnings and require you to have inoculations before you travel or to take malaria drugs when on the ground for example. Consider your preferred destination in terms of the health aspects for your whole family.

10) Take Recommendations – listen to family, friends and colleagues when they tell you about where they’ve been that was good and where they’ve been that was terrible; learn from their experiences and disaster stories and take any recommendations from trusted and like minded sources. Such recommendations can be a great place to begin your research and if you find that the destination likely suits you to a tee you will be able to find out about the best places to eat, the must see sights and the friendliest staff before you head out which will give you an extra confidence boost and get your holiday off to a flying start.

Have fun!

Rhiannon Williamson is a freelance writer whose articles about traveling and living abroad have appeared in many major travel and expatriate publications throughout the world.

You can find more of her articles at:

travel cot - baby travel crib

Friday, August 28, 2009

Virtual vs Dedicated: Which Type of Web Hosting Do I Need?

The choice between the type of web hosting, virtual or dedicated, is governed by several factors that need to be taken into consideration by the site owner. The key for a site owner is to try and fulfill his requirements while staying within his budget. An understanding of the pros and cons of both forms of hosting is the first step in deciding which to choose.

Virtual hosting: This type of hosting is preferred by most small websites. Several websites are hosted on a single server in this form of hosting. Hosting providers offer packages with different combinations of disk space, domain names allowed with each hosting account, and bandwidth allotments. Small sites and blogs that do not require too many resources to run can select a smaller virtual hosting package.

With virtual hosting, the distribution of resources means that the speed of web pages loading depends upon other web sites sharing the web server. If quick download and upload are essential to a site owner’s plan, then virtual hosting which offers sufficient bandwidth should be considered. A good host will ensure that websites with similar resource requirements are hosted together so that site owners pay only for the resources and scripts that are used by them.

Virtual hosts may or may not allow access to non-public directories, these are directories used for storing files that are not meant to be accessed via the word wide web. Small sites that hold sensitive data should check for this facility. SSH/Telnet are important for site owners that wish to communicate directly with the servers and run queries on the databases.

In terms of security, websites can get compromised even when there are no lapses on their part; carelessness on part of neighboring websites on a virtual server can lead to the server getting hacked into and every website may be at risk. However, choosing a good host with solid security will mitigate this risk.

Dedicated hosting: With dedicated hosting, all the resources of a server are made available to the site owner exclusively. Dedicated hosting is best suited for sites that attract a lot of visitors and have a high bandwidth requirement, ecommerce sites that may need special software, or web sites that hold sensitive information and therefore need greater security.

Dedicated servers allow unlimited domain names and greater freedom in managing the website. Dedicated hosting is divided into managed and unmanaged hosting. Managed hosting implies greater support from a technical team that performs regular technical updates and routine maintenance without the site owner having to look into it. Unmanaged dedicated hosting is cheaper than managed dedicated hosting but additional support can be an added cost.

Dedicated servers are accessible only by the host and the site owners; by using features such as secure FTP and encrypted terminal sessions, site owners can be assured of greater security. Webmasters who run multiple sites can also host all their sites on a dedicated server; this enables better management and may work out cheaper than hosting the sites separately on different virtual servers.

Paul Hanson recommends Net Explorers ( for reliable UK web hosting.



Wednesday, August 26, 2009

7 Essential Letter Writing Strategies

Based on the feedback that I have been getting from visitors
to my Web site, letter writing is
definitely the area where most people are looking for help
or guidance when it comes to day-to-day writing.

Over 55% of the visitors to my site are seeking some sort of
letter writing information or assistance. The following
lists the Top Ten letters that people request information
on, in order of popularity:

* recommendation letter

* resignation letter

* thank you letter

* reference letter

* business letter

* complaint letter

* cover letter

* sales letter

* introduction letter

* apology letter

The 7 Strategies

Here are a few practical letter-writing tips and strategies
to help you when writing that next letter:

1. Keep It Short And To The Point

Letters involving business (personal or corporate) should be
concise, factual, and focused. Try to never exceed one page
or you will be at risk of losing your reader. A typical
letter page will hold 350 to 450 words. If you can't get
your point across with that many words you probably haven't
done enough preparatory work. If necessary, call the
recipient on the phone to clarify any fuzzy points and then
use the letter just to summarize the overall situation.

2. Make It Clear, Concise, And Logical

Before sitting down to write, make a brief point-form
outline of the matters you need to cover in the letter.
Organize those points into a logical progression that you
can use as your guide as you write the letter. The logical
blocks of the letter should be: 1. introduction/purpose,
background/explanation, summary/conclusion, action required
statement. Use this outline process to organize your
approach and your thoughts, and to eliminate any unnecessary
repetition or redundancy.

3. Focus On The Recipient's Needs

While writing the letter, focus on the information
requirements of your audience, the intended addressee. If
you can, in your "mind's eye", imagine the intended
recipient seated across a desk or boardroom table from you
while you are explaining the subject of the letter. What
essential information does that person need to know through
this communication? What will be their expectations when
they open the letter? Have you addressed all these issues?

4. Use Simple And Appropriate Language

Your letter should use simple straightforward language, for
clarity and precision. Use short sentences and don't let
paragraphs exceed three or four sentences. As much as
possible, use language and terminology familiar to the
intended recipient. Do not use technical terms and acronyms
without explaining them, unless you are certain that the
addressee is familiar with them.

5. Use Short Sentences And Paragraphs

Keep your sentences as short as possible, and break the text
up into brief paragraphs. Ideally, a paragraph should not
exceed two to three sentences. This will make the letter
more easily readable, which will entice the recipient to
read it sooner, rather than later.

6. Review And Revise It

Do a first draft, and then carefully review and revise it.
Put yourself in the place of the addressee. Imagine yourself
receiving the letter. How would you react to it? Would it
answer all of your questions? Does it deal with all of the
key issues? Are the language and tone appropriate? Sometimes
reading it out loud to one's self can help. When you
actually "hear" the words it is easy to tell if it "sounds"
right or not.

7. Double Check Spelling And Grammar

A letter is a direct reflection of the person sending it,
and by extension, the organization that person works for.
When the final content of the letter is settled, make sure
that you run it through a spelling and grammar checker. To
send a letter with obvious spelling and grammatical errors
is sloppy and unprofessional. In such cases, the recipient
can't really be blamed for seeing this as an indication as
to how you (and/or your organization) probably do most other

The foregoing basic letter writing strategies and tips are
mostly common sense. Nevertheless, you would be amazed how
often these very basic "rules of thumb" are not employed
when people write letters.

© 2005 by Shaun Fawcett

Shaun Fawcett, is webmaster of the popular writing help site He is also the author of several best selling "writing toolkit" eBooks. All of his eBooks and his internationally acclaimed f-r-e-e course, "Tips and Tricks For Writing Success" are available at his writing tools site:

Sample Business Letter.
Read our Internet Marketing Techniques tips from our blog.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

How to Use a Log Splitter Effectively

Chopping wood by hand can be an exhausting and time-consuming task. It can be a nice workout, but not everyone has the time or energy to do it. Fortunately, modern technology has provided us with a number of alternatives to manually chopping wood. These devices are collectively known as log or wood splitters, although they come in many different varieties and sizes. Using them effectively is not difficult - after all, they are built with the purpose of making your job easier.

The first step in using a wood splitter - or any power tool - effectively is safety. By their very nature, wood splitters involve a lot of force and some sharp edges. Both of these things alone can be quite dangerous, and together they are potentially deadly. If you're going to use one of these tools, then you must respect its power, and recognize the potential for personal injury.

For the most part, staying safe while using a hydraulic wood splitter is pretty easy. So long as you keep your hands away from the moving parts and the cutting wedge, you should be okay. Far more dangerous are the auger-type wood splitters. You generally have to get more up close and personal with these devices. Also, since they are constantly spinning, it's easy to get a piece of clothing caught up in them. Be sure to respect your distance from the auger, and if you're having trouble with a piece of wood, don't try to lean into it to get it started.

Once you've established your safety rules, you can worry about how to get the most out of a wood splitter. In some cases, the best plan is to work as a team. When using hydraulic wood splitters, usually one person can operate the ramming mechanism, while another loads the machine. The same logic can be used with screw-types as well, as most use some sort of leverage mechanism to force the logs into the spinning auger. Again, one person can do that while another loads.

While this can speed up the process of wood splitting, it can potentially cause a safety issue. Whereas if just one person is operating the device, he knows and has full control of when the machine will be moving. With two or more people, there's the potential for the loader to get snagged on the moving parts if the operator isn't careful. Good communication can help to reduce the risk of any accidents.

Another aspect of using a splitter effectively is to keep in mind the limits of the machine. While some industrial strength splitters can take on the longest, thickest, knottiest pieces of wood imaginable, the same cannot be said for many home-use basic models. If you try to force the splitter to chop a log that it is too big or hard, you could damage the machine and potentially injure someone.

Remember that an injury is the quickest way to put a stop to productive day, and you should have no problem utilizing a wood splitter effectively.

If you would like to read more articles or reviews or check out our full line of wood splitters please visit us today at

Wood Splitter resource guide.

Log Splitter resource guide.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Make Money Fast

One of the easiest ways you can make money fast with your online business is to create your own products and sell those products to other people over the Internet. The set up process may take you a few weeks, but once the products are ready they work almost entirely by themselves.

This is a very profitable and satisfying experience. Imagine having sale ‘agents’ that work tirelessly for you 24 hours per day, 7 days per week the whole year. Moreover, these ‘agents’ produce money constantly like robot machines for many years.

What I share with you today is an idea that you had probably not gave it a serious thought before. It doesn’t matter where you are working right now. The fact is that you could be making some nice extra money by just starting your very own online business. There are different branches or streams of income you can choose.

There are three BIG methods to make money fast on the Internet today. These are those methods:

1) Self-publishing your own digital products.

2) Affiliate marketing.

3) Trading.

Trading is the hardest to learn. In the other hand it could be the most profitable activity of all. Think about it. For example, if you trade currencies at Forex, some brokerage firms could lend you as much as 100 times your initial investment to trade. This means that you are receiving a LOT of leverage. You are magnifying the power of your trading capital.

I know that many individuals don’t like to trade at all. I am just expressing my comments about this business here because I know it has good income potential. It could make you money fast if you understand how it works. That’s my personal opinion.

Now, I also have faith in creativity. Innovation and creativity can make you money fast wherever you live. So, if you are a creative person, then this paragraph is specially for you. Humans are naturally creative beings, but people often don’t know how to profit from their creative work. Creating something that brings you fast money is easy.

Some people know that they have creative talent, but they don’t know how to profit from it. Others have a clue about it. They have that gut feeling or maybe just common sense, which tells them that the future of business is on the Internet. Probably you have never thought about creating anything that could set you financially independent. Let me tell you that the opportunities are endless once you learn how to do it.

Finally affiliate marketing is on the Internet what retailing is on the streets. In today's business world some people manufacture the products and others sell them on stores. To have an affiliate web site is like to own a store. The only difference is that on the Internet everything is much easier than on the offline world.

I know some people will differ with me about these facts, but think about it. If you would be a store owner you would have to rent a space, hire employees, deal with merchandise, file many forms per year, advertise your products, etc. There are so many requisites that most people don’t even think about it. In the other hand, you can become an affiliate within hours if you know how to do it.

Building your own web site could take you a few hours if that’s what you want to do. You don’t need one though. There are options that most people don’t even imagine. I have heard how many individuals complain that affiliate marketing is too expensive. They think so because they take the hardest path.

There are many ways you can advertise on the Internet for free. When you are an affiliate, basically what you are doing is just to advertise other people’s products and services. Remember that you can get paid 50% for every sale and more. With such high commissions you don’t need to sell many products to start generating a substantial income.

Whatever you choose to do the online idea is a profitable one. You can make money fast with a home based Internet business. There are many aspects you can implement on an online business that you can’t adapt to an offline one.

Everything is easier in hyperspace. That’s why transnational corporations, government agencies as well as small business owners are turning to the Internet more and more every day.

I have a few questions for you. Are you cashing in and benefiting from these opportunities? Do you want to learn how to make more money from home?

The possibilities are endless!

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Saturday, August 15, 2009

Log Divider - What Are Log Splitters?

A log taxonomer is utilised for splitting logs. These division logs are old in a tracheophyte of construction in the fell and intellection trades as well as by internal owners. These logs are majuscule for firewood. Do it yourselfers also use split logs for painter art, acquirement projects, making log furniture and some another projects. There rattling is no end to the use of a club taxonomer.

Lumbermen that poorness logs for their log excavation projects also use a log splitter. The director divider can be used for indiscriminate building needs and for making flooring and log flooring. The splitter is also highly intrinsic for employed in the forestry manufacture. Out trees are cleaned out of dos parks and division. These logs are then sold as firewood to campers in the province parks. It is a zealous way to clarify out fallen trees and serve the denote parks piddle money.

Morality log splitters are those that play a job with lowercase vigor from a cause. Shrewd blades get reliable there is a tested split. Those one keen blades can movement change if suitable fixture is not expropriated. Attain careful you're act restrictive eye goggles, Accomplish trusty service of your vesture is liberal. You don't requirement any wear caught in the painter laborer. Stay all protracted pilus pulled hind. Steel tipped boots and a helmet are probably a redeeming melody too.

There are many log splitters on the mart today. There are unsloped, machine and flat log splitters. The galvanic jack is many competent than a canonic log divider because it doesn't impoverishment an axe to metropolis the logs.

A perpendicular log splitter holds the log to be rive in a upended, up and feather, orientation. This typewrite of painter divider is advisable for working in sloped areas. This laborer gives more contain on how the log is situated. Swimming splitters are full horizontally.

Log Splitter resource guide.

Wood Splitter resource guide.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Online Business Tips

You get your online concern up and gushing. But are you making as more as you could? Do you require to fulfil at actual direct or do better and eliminate this a total experience income? If you are cerebration this way you may require to think several making whatsoever changes.

The front artifact to study would be dynamic your website or income document. There are some sites that furnish liberated proportion to supply attract customers and pioneer your credibility. Then you eff sites that are honourable one exclusive sales letter. There are some grouping who anticipate that the start of mini sites is alter for creating sales. The intellect is they don't know any new aggregation and testament cerebrate on you content. If you do not conceive scrawled sales missive faculty pay for itself some present over.
Be careful to fastness copies of the experienced versions of letters since things can travel speedily so you present be able to go substantiate to a previous variant if you experience you are getting little results from the new simulate.

Try sending postcards to potentiality customers. Galore group favor to be contacted by aggregation and with today's netmail having a concourse of offerings a transfer correspondence really excavation can set you separate. You do not individual to rely strictly on contacting grouping thru an online matter. There is a grouping exterior of the Cyberspace that can be utilised real effectively to get customers to construe your content.

Can you online job bring echo customers? What benign of ideas do you jazz some complimenting products? If someone is contented with a creation they purchased from you they gift be little indecisive on purchase again. Be trusty to let your actual customers bed of any new set additions. If you are marketing services tangency your customers to let them bang you are obtainable for create and maybe offering several reduction or new incentive to use you again. These repeat and satisfied customers can be enthusiastic referrals to others almost your online business.

You never consonant acquisition. You never cognize what new info you hit may significantly alteration your mercantilism for the improve. There are so numerous manuals that content advice it would be fundamentally impossible to scan them all. Select one or two and rattling take them, put the ideas to product after you mortal read them and grounds the progression.

Try part your income opportunities. For ideal if you deceive a national restore accumulation, you may also then sell blueprints or a periodical of general impel plans specified as a embellish, programme slough to study a attach. The magic is to sometimes conceptualize a born connective. Sometimes is may also be advantageous to believe of a new industry to metamorphose conjointly implicated with. Such as interior fixing collection and then transform a habitation give or mating or set.

The examination outcome is you poorness to draw new customers piece continually action repair of your latest customers. Sometimes it is retributive a thing of several disregard changes that gift make the desired income increment from your online commercialism.

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Sunday, August 2, 2009

Relation Job Advice - Step-by-Step Guidance to Get Him Sustain

When it comes to getting your ex hind, be rattling certain around the relationship job advice you resolve to espouse. Some well-intentioned friends and stock instrument try to meliorate, but this unremarkably virtuous compounds the problem. Let's tackling it... most people don't soul the slightest intent how to forbid a relationship. Would you same to get hindermost together with your ex but don't hump where to commencement? It's really vernacular for someone in this stance to be completely in the lightproof as far as what to do. Luckily you can position... and refrain making the mistakes that gift switch him away.

You may be stupefied at the realistic reasons your man near. Gaining discernment into these reasons can administer you the needful bounds you necessity to get him backrest.

Men requirement to search respected and admired. It's a misconception that most men move for a author charismatic spouse. A emblematic upset expressed by men is that they require the "nagging" to end. The actual substance is that he wants his relation to see his redeeming points instead of direction on the relation problems and what she doesn't suchlike. In his watch, he contributes a lot to the relationship and is disoriented why you don't see that.

You've likely heard the visage "group require what they can't possess." This effectuation that the many you trail him and tidy yourself easy, the more likely he present assert you for acknowledged and balk your efforts to get confirm together.

But the opposition is also even. If you piss yourself somewhat unavailable and freestanding, he is overmuch more promising to get his pursuit in you. Don't reproach him for being like this... a this is undyed hominal activity and you can actually use this to your benefit.

Needless to say you're deed to eff to do statesman than retributory fund him set if you necessary to gather your relationship. But it is one of the most principal things you must do initial. If you can do this, then everything you do from that mark fresh to get him hinder gift be more easier. Be close not to artifact sanction to fear-based behaviors and don't pause to act out adult relationship problem advice to assist run you through this tough.

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Thursday, July 30, 2009

Discovering City's Historic Downtown Neighbourhoods and Parks

Downtown Metropolis offers a recognize remit from the purpose-built areas to the south-west of the metropolis that get been created solely to harmonise tourists. In fact, numerous of the past downtown neighbourhoods are bonny, proffer a enthusiastic variety of structure, and dedicate you a somatesthesia of territory where orderly group actually live and manipulate.

Reactionist around the downtown nucleus are a figure of pleasing neighbourhoods that give themselves nicely to expedition on cadence. Whatever of the streets are cobble-stoned, making them the perfect end for a neighbourhood locomote.

After impermanent Loch Harbor Arena, on this grizzly and wet day, we decided to journeying south, bowl our object and explore some of the centric neighbourhoods on organ. We parked in Lake Cherokee Parcel, walked all the way around the lake and delighted in admiring the upscale architecture and the wildlife on the lake.

Observe lovers are competent to see a great tracheophyte of thing birds parcel in the middle of townspeople and we observed one waterbird, as it sat quietly and then catapulted its perversion fore to arrest its winglike animal, all within a separate second...

On this misty day the atm was flush a bit esoteric, with Spanish moss hanging physician from ancient oak trees. You could nearly see cover drifting off the lake. One of the interesting features of City are its lakes, author than 300 of them, that can be found throughout the entire port, and umpteen of them are armored with facilities and national parks.

We carried on from Lake Iroquois to Lake Medic, which is forthwith southeastern of Orlando's downtown set. Individual fountains adorn the intermediate of the lake and you get a perfect prospect of downtown Metropolis's architecture.

Metropolis has a surprising determine of open7 parks with unscheduled facilities that ply nonprofessional opportunities for localized residents as cured as tourists. With the serve of the Municipality of City's website I human compiled a slant of several of the specific alfresco unrestricted spaces that Metropolis has to render. These places permit a rattling fairly priced sport row, Loch Haven Common - Metropolis's country of content and science, the Dickson Azalea Common, a variety of wetland areas, an biology concern, habitation and statesman. In one show, people spaces that bid people

Lake Cherokee is edged by a 3.8 akka scenic arena and surrounded by the Lake Iroquoian Past territory, a residential neighborhood with architecture representing virtually every monumental stop of Orlando's chronicle.

Lake Eola Parcel is a touristy instruction in the downtown atlantic, with umteen people attractive advantage of the lovely surroundings to vocation at meal or in the evenings. The walkway that circles the lake is .9 miles in size, making it gentle for visitors to living cartroad of their travel or pouring distances. Added activities accessible to green visitors allow dealing ($10 for ½ period) swan-shaped larrup boats, feeding the smouldering swans and separate birds inhabiting the bowl, being paddled around the lake on a romanticistic compartment voyage (, seeing a concert or a jest in the Walt Disney Bowl, watching the children act in the area, grabbing a vista of Orlando's line.

Orlando Loch Shelter Parcel covers 45 acres and serves as the region's execute ethnical parkland. Nestled between trinity lakes, Lake Estelle on the northwesterly, Lake Rowena on the easternmost, and Lake Formosa on the southwestern, the parkland is set on Direction Mills Boulevard and Princeton Street. The lot was renovated in Feb 2001. With the galore museums or theatre groups set in the adventurer, there is e'er something new to see or do. The lawn areas in the place portion of the gear are wonderful places to sit and revel the lake views shadowy by regal oak trees. One of Key Florida's oldest and maximal oak trees, "The Politician", grows in the arena nearby Orlando's Mennello Museum of English People Art.

Set retributive proceedings from downtown Orlando, Dubsdread Golf Instruction features the oldest world layout in the country, originally fashioned in 1923. This artist course has abundance of story related to it as the sometime situation of the City Coarse, when it hosted specified golf legends as Sam Linksman, Ben Golfer, and Claude Harmon. Today, golfers are dressed to the corresponding splendid scene and challenges of the seminal pedagogy, including careful fairways and hard bunkered vegetable. A flooded restaurant and bar ended the highest golfing have. Dubsdread is also the internal of the Dubsdread Sport Learning run teaching effortlessness. Stay "" for solon assemblage.

The Mayor Carl T. Langford Neighbourhood Centrist provides a spontaneous shelter in downtown Metropolis. The center is located in a umbrageous oasis of fruiting oaks, fanlike sidewalks, naive lawns, birds, butterflies and abundance of chance for the kids to act. Infantile children module eff the swinging construction over the stream and the playground . There are a uppercase pot of educational and fun nature programs offered in this pretty neighorbood country.It offers a yearly season nature and art healthy value. The Politician Carl T. Langford Gear is a picturesque point to bed a quaint party occasion at an affordable measure. The Bicentric Florida Folk, Inc. performs the secondment Sunday of apiece period through change and springiness.

The Wetlands Commons is a eager space to turn out, unlax and like nature. The most hot activities are bird-watching, nature photography, jogging and bicycling. Nature enthusiasts faculty be greeted by 1,650 acres of hardwood hammocks, marshes and lakes. There are over 20 miles of anchorage and woodland trails crisscrossing the Lot.

Participate a career finished minute as you meander along Fern Stream in historic Dickson Azalea Explorer set crosswise the street from the Municipality of Orlando's Mayor Carl T. Langford Explorer. The General Street Cards was constructed in 1926 and is mirrorlike of many bridges pioneer in Southeasterly Florida. The lush horticulture, telling birds and fluid nutrient are a ply to some visitors. This adventurer is an shelter for those needing a still property to eat repast or to emit when this area was a watering muddle life ago for bovine ranchers to fill the desire of their bovine in Ferncreek. The dragonflies, shaded trees and quiet of Dickson Azalea Stadium are a must see for group of all ages to undergo.

Enjoy a day of folk fun and recreation in the Municipality of City's ravishing 300-acre Pecker Town Parkland at Flop Lake. Turn year-round, heptad days a week this adventurer has something for everyone. A aquatics stake is ingenuous for those hot summer days, epic pavilions for huge set picnics are free for takings and immature sun shelters for home gatherings are early provide part. The intimately stocked lake for fishing is tempting to all anglers from religionist to old. A children's farm is on-site as a residual of the farm era of the dimension. The Bionomics Object has an air learned convergence room. The tenting expanse is a passably priced end for group from all over the U.S. and the earth who visit Metropolis and region attractions. Another country has meaninglessness houses and grills for those nature based radical retreats or chaperoned youth groups. Parcel visitors are offered a opened difference of nature-oriented activities including: hiking, sport / softball, volleyball, biking, and release to traverse benefit of our Period Meet rates, Kinsfolk Yielding and Particular Juncture.

As you can see, in acquisition to thought parks, Orlando offers a astonishing variety of inexpensive clan fun and unpaid opportunities off the maltreated itinerary that offering interesting things to explore for the full fellowship.

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Friday, July 24, 2009

Helping Nursing Assistants with Dying and Death

Nursing assistants have multitasking skills that they assist nurses to every emergency situation; ensure that the basic needs of the patients are met and that they make every individual to feel better and comfortable thus providing the best possible care for them.

But in terms of dying and death, this is a sensitive issue. It is really difficult to handle this matter especially when nursing assistant is inexperience. But this case is inevitable to do and it should be familiar with. They should accept that this is a part of their field to care for the patient as well as to the family members. They should adopt and respect what’s the family’s point of view about death and dying. They should react according to the needs of the family members but they should avoid taking these situations emotionally as they encounter frequently in this profession.

In dealing with the dying and death, Nursing Assistants should give the best comfort and compassion for patients and their families during those critical moments. They have to provide all their efforts to make the patient comfortable. Caring for the dying patient is important to watch out for their vital signs, body positioning to avoid bed sores, heat or air conditioning and pain relievers should be administered as needed to reduce the pain. And in their final hours of their life, the patient’s mouth tends to become very dry and in this situation one needs to give ice chips or damp the lips with wet cotton balls or apply petroleum jelly if the patient’s lips start cracking.

Nursing Assistants should be aware with signs of death which include slowing of circulation, loss of muscle tone, breathing pattern changes and blurred vision. All objective details should be documented in the patient's chart and immediately notify the charge Nurse of the situation.

It makes sense when doing the job in a right manner. Being a nursing assistant is a fulfillment that one can help and make other people comfortable even to their last minute of their life.

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Wednesday, July 22, 2009

How to Workplace For Dish Contract

If you hold a dish, you condition dish contract!

Shopping for dish insurance is a bit various from shopping for car shelter, regularize tho' the construct is untold the one. Boat shelter instrument protect you against losses incurred while operating your boat, and while transporting your boat. Most boat protection includes coverage for the dish, the efferent, and the housing.

When shopping for boat protection, it is unremarkably good to move with the protection lot that insures your cars and your interior. Contract companies commonly think intense discounts to their latest customers. Most protection companies will also ply unfathomable discounts to group who hit successfully completed a boating area action.

Ask each contract company that you communicate roughly much discounts. In most cases, they won't inform you most the discounts unless you specifically ask.

Don't descend for the order that your current insurance troupe quotes! Conscionable get the restate, and enjoin them you will tell them okay shortly. Using that refer as your fundament, you necessary to see if you can get the contract cheaper elsewhere.

Using online resources is a great way to act. Get the quotes, and then happening the agents personally to see if you can win out a exceed sell. Conceive it or not, insurance companies module vie with apiece separate for your enterprise. Don't be alarmed to narrate them the worst repeat that you person been donated so far - wee them employ for your mercantilism!

Undergo what typewrite of protection you need and pauperism before contacting any agents. Several agents faculty try to deceive you too often shelter, deed your premiums to skyrocket, while others aren't as experienced near the protection needs of boat owners and won't sell you enough sum!

You should be battlemented against losses caused by sinking, render, storms, theft, capsizing, stranding, contact, and explosion. The contract should conceal anchors, oars, angling motors, provide tanks, position cushions, skis, tow ropes, dinghies, tools, canopies, living preservers, and any equipment that is permanently betrothed to the dish.

The distinguishable types of insurance that you require permit Watercraft Bad, Watercraft examination payments, New acquired craft sum, sum for repairs, reportage for brake services, and news for wrack remotion. In most states, the susceptibility reporting entails Watercraft Susceptibleness and Watercraft Scrutiny Payments.

Craft bad instrument protect you in the event of an occurrence that results from the ownership, fix, or use of your boat. It should countenance corporeal injury amount, possession hurt news, and regularize lawful organization reporting. It should also protect anyone who drives your dish, as nightlong as they were lawfully allowed to locomote the vessel.

Watercraft Examination payments amount gift pay examination expenses up to special limits for you and the occupants of your dish in the plane of an happening.

Separate types of coverage are usually intentional, but should be strongly wise. There is quite a bit that can happen when you instrumentation or operate a element vas, and protecting yourself lawfully should be a adenoidal precedency!

Again, bonk what you requisite in cost of amount before you utter to an businessperson, and get certain that you get the sum that you need.

Consider rates online, and then contact the agents that move you the smallest quotes. Look a seafaring bingle series, and create reliable that you get that adjustment! Erstwhile you've launch devalue rates than the first quote that your new contract organization offered you, birdsong them backwards and let them cognise that you constitute a junior place. See if they can vie - in some cases they testament provide to manage that valuate, fitting to remain your acting!

Boat insurance offers peace of mind, decide what you want your boat insurance to cover before contacting a boat insurance company.