Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Things to Keep in Mind While Buying Silver Coins

Ever thought about buying silver coins??

Before purchasing them, there are certain things which should be taken care of.

You should have some knowledge of what you intend to buy and also one should be familiar about some details of your purchase. The weight and size of a rare silver coin can prove advantageous if you buy it online or offline from a reputed seller.

One should have knowledge enough to distinguish between a counterfeit coin and an original silver coin. The details on how to distinguish between an original and a fake coin is also available on the internet so that the buyers can gain sufficient knowledge by learning the differences between them. This knowledge of choosing the right coin will save you from getting into a possibly bad deal.

When a situation comes like now where the dollar is devaluating, people invest hugely on silver for their future and family. Because of this reason, one buys more of silver than gold. You may have heard of junk silver coins. Although they aren't literally 'junk'. Basically these kind of silver coins are called junk because they are plentiful and also do not possess that rare quality of pure silver in them. Junk silver coins are made up of 90% silver while the left 10% is some other metal. The United States government made them until 1964.

These junk silver coins although do not have 100% pure silver but still has a quality of being trustworthy as they have been recognized and also minted by the government of United States. One disadvantage of buying junk silver is that you have to pay a premium or an added cost while buying it and while selling it in the market you have to offer a discount thereby getting a lower price.

In all, buying silver will largely help you and your family for many reasons and the protection it offers against the purchasing power of shrinking dollar.

Did you know the value of the dollar is dropping daily? Visit my website to find out how you can protect your family from a potential financial collapse and keep the ones you love safe by purchasing 99.9% pure silver.

Visit this website right now -

Get the Best Deals on Gold and Silver Coins
Don't Pay Too Much for Gold and Silver Coins

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Affordable Hearing Aids… Sounds Terrific!

Yes, it is possible to find affordable hearing aids. Though, it is a fact that some models are way beyond what some can afford, there are quality hearing aids that will allow you to hear clearly without busting your checkbook. It is only a matter of knowing where to look and what to look for in a good but affordable hearing aid. In this article, we will tell you what to do to get a cheap, affordable hearing aid.

Affordable Hearing Aids - Choosing the Best for You

Advanced technology in the production of hearing aids has made it possible to have a wide variety to choose from. Digital hearing aids are, of course, the best ones nowadays. You can also choose from different types like behind the ear or in the canal (ITC) hearing aids. As to capability, some models suppress echo and bring background noise to a minimum level, giving you the next best thing to the real thing.

However, before proceeding to buy a hearing aid, you will have to visit your doctor for a hearing consultation first. He should be able to guide you as to the best one to work for you.

Browse the internet for a wide variety of choices of affordable hearing aids. It is wise to compare the quality, design and prices of the available models to be able to pick the best. There are many comparison websites online nowadays that makes this easy and uncomplicated for everyone.

Affordable Hearing Aids - Some Likely Candidates

Cost should not be a deterrent from letting you hear again. Some popular affordable hearing aids are the Digi Ear D1, Digi Ear D2 and Digi Ear DS. These hearing aids come with rotating nozzles to fit in both left and right ear. Hey are specially designed to fit into the ear canal.

The Digi Ear D1 has outstanding features considering its price. It is an all-digital, 2-channel aid that has an adjustable on/off volume control and a universal fit. The Digi Ear D2 comes with the features of D1 but also has intuitive feedback reduction and a quiet speech amplifier. Meanwhile, the Digi Ear DS functions just like Digi Ear D2 but it comes with echo cancellation capability.

There are other affordable hearing aids in the market today like the Sound Device Series. Sound Device 001c is for those looking for mild to moderate levels of amplification. Sound Device 002 comes with an added feature of volume control. It also has a wax guard tip that protects the electronics. It also swivels for easy cleaning. Sound Device 003 is even more sophisticated with an echo cancellation feature much like Digi Ear DS.

Surf the net for other choices. Prices and description of capabilities are available so it should not be a problem choosing the best to get value for your money. Although price is one of the major considerations, do not sacrifice price for quality. Make sure that you get a hearing aid that you are comfortable with.

Hearing Aid Repairs St Louis MO

Marketing you web site - Part 4 - Using newsletters, search engines and the yellow pages

Using Newsletters to market your web site

As I stated before, it can take several times for a potential client to begin to trust you. You also want to keep the clients that you have. Part of your marketing plan will be to stay in touch with your clients. Letting them know what is happening, any sales that you may be holding, or new products/services that you may have. A great way of keeping in touch is with a newsletter.

What is a newsletter? Simply put it is a communication between you and your subscribers. By offering information that the client may find helpful, you are offering a service to them that is of value. Immense value in fact. Your information may save them time and money. Building a trust between you and the client. This trust will turn to sales over time.

So what does it take to get a newsletter off the ground so to speak? Two things: First is to have the clients/customer sign up for the newsletter. This can be a simple email or mailing program. RD Web hosting has a mailing list package that is part of the hosting plan. It is simple yet effective. Click here to see it in action. The second thing is a newsletter. This can be written in any word processing program or in your email software. It doesn't have to be long and complicated.

Let's say for example you have found a new recipe. Something that you think your subscribers would be interested in. You type up the recipe along with an introduction and paste it into your email program or mailing list software. From there you send it to each of your subscribers. Cost? A few minutes of time. No printing or mailing charges required. Oh, by the way, in that little letter you sent to each subscriber, you place a little advertising for your web site or store. Or maybe you have 'sold' some space to a friend or business associate who may have something of interest to your subscribers as well.

Newsletters are a great and inexpensive advertising medium. Just remember to place articles of interest in the newsletter and not all advertising. There is nothing worse than getting mail that is all ads. Over time people will stop reading it if they don't find the information useful.

Using Search engines and marketing your web site

Search Engines (SE) are the mystery of the Internet. So many different types even from the users standpoint. There are over 225,000 search engines and directories on the Internet. How do they work and why should you care?

Basically, a search engine is a database of web pages that contains information about that page such as: where it can be found (URL); what is on it (Keywords); when it was last indexed; and a description (Title) of the web page. When you go to a search engine and type in your request (query) the database engine pulls up the data that matches your request. So a search engine is only as good as the data in it. How do we get that data? Most search engines are copies of the major databases. There are only a few real databases out there. So lets talk general terms. Data can be entered by the owner of the website. This information is then indexed and your site is listed. In the past that is how things worked. But we soon found out that people will do anything to get their website listed at the top of the page where they will be more likely to have the searcher click on their site. The owner of the database needed a better way. So programs where written called spiders to go out on the web and find websites. Then catalog each page of the website and enter that information into the database. Today that process is still going on. However, again the owners of the database have tried to make sure that the website information is correct and have been constantly changing the formula used to determine how a website should be listed based on it keywords, headers, titles, content, alt tags, etc. Some database owners even have people visit the website and make a judgment call. All of this is to insure that when you enter a search phrase into the search engine you receive the type of information you want. If you are happy with the search engine you will continue to use it and the advertisements placed on the search engine will help pay for the site.

Search engine technology is changing daily. To try and cover it here would be a waste of your time as it will be out of date tomorrow. So I have listed a site that does nothing more than follow and report on this technology. It is:
Search Engine Watch

What is important for us as website owners is know how to make sure we are properly listed and learn how to get the best listing on the search engines. So lets see... there are 1440 minutes per day and 225,000 search engines. That means if we spend just 10 minutes per search engine entering in our website information it will only take us1562 days to enter the information. But you should submit your website at least every other month, so you can see that is not going to work. There are all kinds of software and website services that will do this for you. But remember there are really only about 4 major databases that feed all those search engines. Even when your website is listed you may not have a very good placement due to other factors. As I said the database owners are constantly changing the rules. So what can you do?

Start with proper design of your website. Good content that is kept up to date. The spiders will find you over time and your ranking will improve as your use of keywords and content are evaluated. Other things that will help is the linking to your site from others. If you have good information, others will point their website to yours which will help your ranking in the search engines. All in all, this will take months to accomplish. But you want to start making money today!

Another way to get listed on search engines faster and at the top of the rankings is with PPC or Pay Per Click. PPC Search Engines charge you each time a user clicks your listing and goes to your website. In addition, many PPC have made arrangements with other search engines to place the paying website URL at the top of the listing (these are called sponsor sites). What does that mean for you as a website owner? Well, it means lots of traffic to your website that you can sell to over and over again. What will it cost? Hmmm how many secrets to give away in a free book :). Oh well, why not! The cost is dependent on how many other people want to be in the top listing. For example: has agreements with Yahoo, MSN, AOL and others that the 3 top bidders for keywords will be listed in the top 3 spots for that keyword on each of these search engines. By the way, as of December 2002 those 3 search engines accounted for over 80 percent of all searches on the web. Think that might be a nice place to have your website listed? Ok, back to the example. Let’s say I sell training, I research the keywords and find out that the top 3 positions go for $1.50, $1.45, $1.00 per click to my website. I have a product that sells for $795 per course. I could bid $1.51 and take the top spot. But remember I will have to pay the PPC for each person that clicks on my link. It can quickly run into the hundreds of dollars. I could also pay $1.01 and take the 3rd position saving me $.50 per click. Not all keywords are that expensive...some are more :). Actually you may find your keywords very inexpensive around 10- 20 cents per click.
PPC also do not care about keywords, titles, headers, content etc. So I can write a more compelling description here that will call to action the searcher to click on my site. BUT, once there I want to do everything I can to get them to leave their email address in exchange for my free product or gift. I do not want them coming back though PPC again. It will cost me more money that way. If I have their email address I can send them my link in other correspondence. We will talk about that later in auto responders.

Here is a list of some of the PPC. Since they drive qualified traffic to your site I would recommend using all of them. You will find your keywords cheaper on the less used sites but that is still traffic that you can sell to.

This is a lot of work. I know I have spent hours on Overture alone trying to monitor the website, keywords, and ranking.
I have said before in this course that automation is the key. The more we can automate the more time we have to spend on other things... maybe the family?

Using Yellow pages to market your web site

If you have a local business then you probably already have a business phone number. Most business phone services come with a listing in the local yellow pages. Be sure to list you website address. This is much more powerful form of advertising then just placing your address and phone number. Remember your site can offer specials, gather email or contact information, give away items or gifts to your customers to get them to visit your store, tell the customer so much more than you could afford to do in the phone book itself. Plus many people will bookmark your site and return time and time again once they see all the great information that you have available on the site.

I hope you have found some useful information in this package. I have strived to put together information about most of the different methods you can use to market you business.

Visit Philippine Business Directory an online yellow page in the Philippines.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Do Hearing Aids Have a Future

When I was young (oh here we go!) hearing aids were called deaf aids (and could be seen from outer space!).

Was it political correctness or PR spin that made it change?

Did we just want to replace the negativity of being deaf with the positivity of better hearing?

I used to think so, but I was wrong, not totally, but wrong enough.

If it was PR spin then it didn't go far enough.

Why do so many people wear glasses and so few wear hearing aids?

I suppose you could argue that being able to read is the main reason.

Try reading this without your glasses, a significant number of the population couldn't.

There are,however,other reasons.

Spectacles have been given an image. Cool,sexy,intelligent people wear spectacles.

Most people who have a need for glasses, don't hesitate to try them on and see how they look.

Contrast that with the image of hearing aids.

Elderly,uncool,disabled,all negative connotations.

Also, do we need perfect hearing like we need to see for reading and driving? Well,we can get away with a lot more with our hearing...but why should we?

Why should we have to struggle with imperfect hearing.

Why should we have to put up with not following conversations?

Why can't we have superhuman hearing?

We have the technology (and if we don't we ought to have).

I see the future of hearing aids as three fold.

1 A massive PR job to show people how cool having perfect hearing can be.

2 The design capabilities to make this feasible.

3 The technology to make hearing aids to produce hearing that is better than perfect.

For more information about hearing aids Visit my hearing aid information site. Click for Hearing Aid Information

Digital Hearing Aids

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Have A Cracker With Chiropractors

Chiropractic healing is a kind of healing that taps the body’s ‘inner intelligence’ – that innate sense of balance the body has when a person is physically, emotionally and mentally healthy. A healing art that was developed in the United States , chiropractic healing operates on the belief that the body can heal itself if there is an uninterrupted flow of energy or nerve impulses from the brain to the rest of the body.

It’s interesting to note that chiropractic healing came to the fore when David Palmer was able to cure deafness by manipulating a misaligned vertebra. This miraculous healing led more and more researches into the field of chiropractic healing. Modern chiropractors trace the beginnings of this art of healing to Hippocrates, who said, “Get knowledge of the spine, this is the requisite for many diseases”.

Chiropractors work primarily with the joints that lie along the spinal column. They believe that when the vertebrae and adjoining bones are misaligned in relation to the joints, the flow of impulses from the nerve is impeded or blocked. This in turn drains the body of its ability to stay healthy. What chiropractic healing does is quite evident from the name itself; ‘cheir’ means “hand” and ‘practikos’ means “done by” - healing manipulations that seek to correctly align the bones of the vertebra to restore total health. Chiropractic philosophy grew out of a ‘wholism’ which considers the body to be a single unified organ.

During therapy, a patient may hear his joints crack however the sessions are pain-free and quite refreshing too. This ‘crack’ is actually a vacuum-created nitrogen bubble that is bursting within the joint. The actual manipulations are often very gentle, and make use of a technique called ‘non-force’. Depending upon the nature of the problem and its longevity, multiple sessions may be needed. These techniques have been found to be very effective not only in restoring strength to the spine and vertebra, but also in restoring good health so that there is vigorous flow of energy throughout the body.

Chiropractic healing is an effective treatment for muscle, joint and bone problems. It is very effective when used to treat conditions such as headaches and carpal tunnel syndrome. It is the single most effective treatment for lower back pain. In fact, it has been so effective that it is the third largest health care profession after medicine and dentistry. Of the 36+ million Americans visiting chiropractors every year, 70% are treated for back pain, 20% for head and neck disorders and the rest are treated for other disorders. Chiropractic healing even soothes colicky babies, thereby giving harassed mothers a well-deserved break.

Chiropractic healing may also help people who are partially paralyzed. Therapy is not contained to the paralyzed parts of the body. Many confined individuals suffer from excessive shoulder and arm related injuries that come from the stress of using a wheelchair. Strengthening exercises help to prevent future injuries and harden the areas that are prone to over-use.

While one branch of Chiropractic healing keeps itself strictly within the parameters of hand-manipulation, another branch called Osteopathy actively uses heat, massage, nutrition and other therapies to achieve the same results. Chiropractic healing coaxes the body to heal itself, thus it is a great adjunct to traditional medicine.

Chiropractor Manipulation

Chiropractic Service

Monday, March 29, 2010

Which Analog Hearing Aid Is Right For Me?

When looking for hearing aids most people accept the simple fact that digital hearing aids are better than analog hearing aids. No doubt digital aids are more sophisticated and state-of-the-art, not to mention that they're easier to install and use, but sometimes analog hearing aids are more appropriate for your needs. Digital hearing aids have more options for the user, and so they are more costly than the analog variety, it just depends on whether or not you need these extra features.

Analog Hearing Aids

Modern hearing aids consist of a microphone which receives sound, an amplifier which makes the sound louder and clearer, and a receiver to convey amplified sound to the ear. Analog hearing aids can be divided into two categories: conventional analog hearing aids, and programmable analog hearing aids.

Conventional hearing aids are the least expensive of all and the simplest in terms of technology. They only offer the basic functions that you would associate with a hearing aid. Programmable hearing aids on the other hand have many more features to offer the user. They are actually very similar to digital hearing aids in the fact that they also contain a microchip to program required options and settings suitable for a patient.

Programmable hearing aids can be customized to be used in quiet or noisy environments. They are very easy to use, at a flick of a switch you can completely customize all of the settings. The only difference between digital hearing aids and programmable analog hearing aids is that in digital aids the sound is converted into digital signals which can then be used to perform additional functions, like speech recognition and noise reduction. These state of the art digital hearing aids are normally self-adjusting, however with the analog variety you will have to operate them manually using either a switch, or a remote control.

Programmable analog hearing aids differ from conventional analog hearing aids because they can be programmed to suit the specific patient's requirements. If you are not comfortable with the present settings you can always have them changed to suit you better. An induction coil can be used in programmable aids to pick up sounds that are sometimes hard to hear, for example while using a telephone you sometimes need to strain your ears to hear what the other person is saying. Programmable hearing aids normally come with a switch for induction coil mode so you can easily switch between modes.

Because of these features and others, programmable aids cost more than the conventional ones. The conventional ones can only really be set up, not programmed. The main reason people will chose analog aids is because they are less expensive.

There are times when an analog hearing aid suits the user perfectly, not just because of the cost. Most people buy a hearing aid is to improve their hearing ability, so it doesn't matter how much a hearing aid costs or how modern it is. Very few people would want a speech recognition system, although that would mean I could get rid of my receptionist, oh no that's unfair it would have to make tea too. You can talk to your audiologist to decide which one will be suitable for the type of hearing loss you have.

Hearing Aid Costs

Factors to Consider Prior to Buying a Hearing Aid

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Barbie Dolls For Your Little Angel

Barbie dolls have been around for fifty years now and are still as popular, invoking a sense of excitement among little girls across the world. They are considered to be an icon of US culture by virtue of the way they epitomize stylish clothing and way of life. Barbie's free spirited charisma has enticed young girls the world over.

A peek into their inception:
Barbie was first introduced in the year 1959. It was manufactured by Mattel Inc. and created by Ruth Handler. The creator's inspiration was her daughter who seldom liked playing with baby dolls and often played with paper toys taking form of a grown up girl. This led to the concept of the exquisite doll who was named after Ruth's daughter Barbara.

It is believed that the shape and form was inspired by a German doll named Bild Lilli. But the new doll was so exquisitely designed that it soon became a sensation and successfully replaced the then popular, Lilli doll.

A day in Barbie's life:
Barbie is a beautiful blond who attends the fictitious Manhattan International High School in New York City. She loves animals and owns more that 40 pets including cats, dogs, panda, a lion cub and a Zebra. She loves to drive around in jeeps, convertibles and trailers.

Barbie has a Pilot's license and is actively involved with commercial airlines and also serves as a flight attendant. She loves to keep her home neat and tidy and is a homely character. This aspect is exemplified by numerous game sets like kitchen, bedroom, spa, clinic etc... which stand as a testimony to her multitasking abilities.

The enchantress:
Barbie is truly an enticer and the makers ascertain that a new and exciting element is added to the catalog in a timely fashion. Be it constructing dolls based on celebrities or adding new members to her extended family, they sure know how to keep the excitement of Barbie games alive. Equipped with mesmerizing looks, a wide array of interesting costumes and exquisite body design; the much loved doll is always in the news. Her break up with beau Ken or their getting back together; the addition of trendy apparel or arrival of new members into the family; there is enough news to keep Barbie aficionados hooked to this enchantress.

Adding a new dimension to games:
In addition to being an enduring plaything; the doll is defined as an offshoot of a novel concept that has many dimensions. Little girls mesmerized by the charming doll, may play online Barbie games in a varied range of themes, listen to music with a Barbie CD or Radio Boombox from Kid Designs, take part in the vibrant 'Barbie dress up games' or visit the Barbie games online store to avail an overview of all the interesting games in store. What's more, shopping for these exquisite playthings online, is by far the most convenient option.

Barbie dolls and their eternal tryst with fame have proven to the world that they are a class apart and worth their price tags. The attention, hype and craze seem justified. So get hold of a Barbie doll of your choice for the little girl in your life and rest assured they will be cherished forever.

Barbie Games
